"Do you want a blanket?" I asked. I was starting to get cold so I wanted to go get a blanket.

"Sure" He told me. I got up and walked to the hall closet that held the blankets. I gave one to Calum and then I sat down right next to him. 

We made small talk, discussed our favorite rides and there was so much more I could have talked to him about but sleep inturrupted our conversation. 


When I woke up, Calum was gone. I sat in my living room feeling droopy but I felt rested at the same time.

I went up stairs to change out of the clothes I wore all day yesterday. I threw a sweater on and a pair of shorts. I put my phone on to charge because I hadn't done it the night before. When the screen lit up I saw a text from Steven.

9:15 - Steveey <3; Breakfast?

9:35 - You; Sure! 

9:37 - Steveey <3; Be there in a sec. ;) 

I threw on some plain white vans and then waited down stairs for Steven's text.

Once I got in the car Steven turned up the radio.

"So where are we going?" I asked.

"Your favorite" He smiled.

We drove to IHOP and once we entered, steven picked up a menu and looked it over. I already knew what I wanted.

Once we ordered and we started to wait for our food, Steven got a serious look on his face.

"Ester, I need to tell you something..." He sighed. 

"Okay, you know you can tell me anything..." I assured him. 

"I know" He nodded. "So.. this school called me.. I guess they found one of my applications.. I don't really know but they wanted me to come in for an interview. They have an office about twenty minutes away from here. So I went in and it was a cosmotology school..."

I didn't want to say anything just yet. I wasn't sure where this was going.

"Okay?" I asked.

"They really liked me so they asked me to go in for another interview and then a few weeks after they called me and told me I got in..." He explained."they're giving me a scolorship and everything... They were really impressed with my work.."

"Oh, Steven!" I smield "That's awesome! What school is it?" 

"Chicago beauty school..." He said softly.

It hit me right then and there. Seaped into my mind and hit me in the face like a ton of bricks.

"Well.. I mean... we've still got time. We were going to have to seperate for school some time anyways.. We still have this year together.." I looked on the bright side.

"That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about...." He looked at me with innocents. I just stayed scilent knowing it was about to get worse. "I'm testing out of high school and leaving to start an early prepclass..."

"What?" I could barley get out. "When?"

"My test is in a few weeks."

"You mean you've actually schedualed it?" I widened my eyes "You knew?"

"Yes, I knew for a whi-"

"How long"

"What?" he asked 

"How long have you known?" I asked with an angry tone.

"They called for my interview about a month ago..." He informed me.

"And all day yesterday you didn't think to tell me?" I asked him. 

"I wasn't sure how Est..." He looked at me. Tears burned my eyes and I couldn't help but let them fall. 

As soon as my food came I asked for a box becuase I wasn't hungry anymore.

"I'm happy for you Steven... You just always do this to me." I cried. I was humiliating myself but my emotions got the best of me. "You don't tell me anything about your life and when you do it's on your terms. You're so secretive and i'm your best friend. It's not fair to me that I'm the only one who ever shares anything. It makes me feel like you don't trust me and i'm so sick of it... I could have been enjoying yesterday instead of hanging with calum. I could have taken advantage of the time we had." 

"I'm sorry.. I really am..." He pleaded. 

"Please take me home" I begged. 

Steven payed and we left. We weren't there for more than thirty minutes. I just couldn't be around him or anyone at the moment.

The ride home he stayed completely silent until we got to my house and then he apologized once more. I ignored and slammed the door in his face.

I couldn't believe that he was being so selfish that he couldn't tell me. It was something he did regularly and I was sick of it. 

I was sick of haveing a friendship where I'm the only one that cares. 

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