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I was going to start a new book, but I guess I'll keep this one going


"He's your son!" Trudy was excited as she handed me her son. I stared down at little man that was positioned in my arms. He was a spitting image of me, and there was no denying him. Kiara was hoping that the baby wasn't mind, and deep down so was I. I was building with this girl, and now it seemed that their was another fork in the road. "I named him E.j, after you."

I looked over at Trudy who was lying underneath a blanket in her cramped living room. "I'll be here for my son, but you need to stay out of me and Kiara's relationship."

Trudy smirked, "oh please, nobody's even checking for you. Yeah, your dick was good, but as long as you are taking care of E.j, I don't give a fuck."

I handed him back to Trudy. I knew that Trudy was lying, and I knew that she was the one privately calling Kiara. "Yeah, whatever Trudy, we will call you for visitation for our son."

Trudy rolled her eyes at me, "who is we? I know you're not going to have my son around that bitch?"

I rubbed my hands over my head. Trudy was going to be a baby mama from hell I could feel it. "Kiara is going to be my wife!"

"I don't care, she could try poisoning my baby." She held on E.j tightly, like someone was going to take him away from her. "If you do get visitation, I don't won't her around our son."

"Bye." I headed for the door. I wasn't going to entertain Trudy's petty ass. She was stressing me out. Seemed like all I had was stress. Kiara was doing better, and cancer free, and all she wanted to do was plan for our wedding.

"Wait, Eric." Trudy got up from her seat, and walked over to the door. "If you and little miss light bright don't work out, you know you could always come back here." She seductively said to me rubbing her hand down my arm.

I looked at her hand like it was beneath me. I can't believe I slept with this girl, all because I was upset and my head was fucked up about Kiara. I opened the door and left without saying shit to her ass.

I arrived home, and parked in the driveway behind Kiara's car. I set in the car, and just stared at the house. I didn't want to tell Kiara that E.j was really my son, but I knew that I needed to. I owed her that much.

Kiara stood at the driver's side window and knocked, knocking me out of my thoughts. She was balancing Ella on her hip, with a confused look on her face. I opened the car door, and kissed her forehead, taking Ella from her arms.

"What are you doing out here?" Kiara asked me.

I walked toward the front door, and she followed close behind me. "I was just thinking, so what's for dinner?" I opened the door for Kiara, and she stepped inside.

"Thinking about what?" She stood there with her arms crossed. I didn't even realize that she was all dressed up in some skimpy red dress. No doubt I was in love with her ass, she was looking real good at the moment, and I just wanted to rip the dress off and bend her ass over the couch.

"We'll talk later, where the hell do you think you're going wearing that shit?" I eyed her.

Kiara smiled, and did a 360 so I could see those curves in that dress. "Do you like it?"

I didn't answer her question. I set Ella in her play pin, and pulled Kiara into my arms. "Can I taste you?'

Kiara shook her head no, and pecked my lips. "I'm meeting a few friends at the bar, and I don't want to be late. Could you please keep Ella for a few hours?"

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