Feelings for you

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What is up it your boy treezy u know what I am saying representing that treyyy and I am back with another p-r-a-n-k and I got my sis Daniella  with me and today we bout to prank Armon and carmen yes u heard me right they are going to get prank today they getting prank tonight and bascailly y'all we abt to do the I got feelings for u
You guys already know mon going to be hella pissed moowaahaa
That your evil laugh
Yes got to do it in a dark tone mooooowaahaaa
I like it
Aright let get this prank started

Trey set the camera up in the kitchen while Daniella and trey both sit down at the table while Armon on the couch playing the game and Carmen on the other couch on her phone

Trey😊-so y didn't u text me back

Daniella❤️-i did

Armon than took a quick look at them and went back playing the game

Trey😊-oh my fault I didn't see it

Daniella❤️-and u blaming me phew

Trey😊- my fault (than grabs her hand) when u going to you know break up with Armon

Carmen than looks at Armon and Armon look at Carmen with a confused face

Daniella❤️-idk y u want me to be in a rush

Armon😍-nigga what

Carmen💋- girl what u talking abt

Armon than walks over and notice they holding hands

Armon😍-awww helll naw tf u guys holding hands for

Carmen than pulls their hand

Carmen💋-what going on

Trey😊-I like Daniella

Armon than take his shirt off and Carmen pushes him back

Carmen💋-u don't like me

Trey😊-no I like Daniella and I want her to be mines

Carmen now has a sad face while Armon heated

Carmen💋-do u like him Danny

Daniella❤️-I-(looks at Armon than back at trey) do

Armon than pushes Daniella and trey

Armon😍- u foul for that trey and Daniella u post to be my girl fuck that shit

Carmen than hits trey but Daniella pushes her back

Carmen💋-girl u know I like him and u do this I hate u we post to be sisters and stuff and u do stuff like this and Armon yours (crying)

Trey😊-not anymore she mines

Armon than grabs a box out of no where and throw it at them and grabs his key and walks out the door

Daniella than hugs Carmen and tell her it a prank

Carmen💋-omg y would u guys do that u better get your man

Daniella grabs the camera and than runs outside while trey gets up and hugs Carmen

Armon shut his door and turn on his car

Daniella❤️-baby it a prank

Armon didn't say nothing

Daniella❤️- baby i promise u it a prank u know I only have feelings for u

Armon than started to reverse and Daniella opens the door in the back and jump in

Armon😍-wtf r u doing (yelling)

Daniella❤️-if u going somewhere than I am comming to that what I am doing

Hope u guys enjoy this video like comment subscribe and turn post notifications on and rn Armon is little mad but it okay I can change it bye guysss
She thanks turn off the camera and hops in the front

Daniella❤️-I gottt you ( points finger)

Armon😍-get your finger out my face

Daniella❤️-somebodyyyy maddddd

Armon than pulls up at McDonald and order him food and for Daniella

They drive off and eat their food and Daniella eat some of Armon food even tho she have her own food

They arrive back to the house and sit in the living room with trey and Carmen

Carmen💋-tmw valentine day

Daniella❤️- ayeeeee

Carmen💋-but on fr note just wanna say u guys will have the house to yourself cuz me and trey will be staying at a hotel

Trey😊-oh is that so

Carmen💋-that is cuz I am taking u places so and we abt to leave

Daniella❤️-dang trey she spoiling u

Armon 😍-why can't u spoil me like that

Daniella❤️-who said I ain't

Carmen💋-gettin spicy in here but trey we should leave now bye y'all happy early valentine day cuz we ain't going to see y'all tmw at all and just wanna say we love you guys very much byee

Daniella❤️-bye girl we love u guys too

They left and it just Daniella and Armon

Daniella❤️-u just don't know

Daniella gets up and take a shower and go to sleep and Armon does the same after

Next chapter will be valentine day

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