5: Beez In The Trap

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" Man, I been did that, man, I been popped off And if she ain't trying to give it up she get dropped off. "

I was awoken to my alarm going off. I reached over cutting it off, and checking a few notifications. I looked down seeing baby girl's head on my chest. This was my fourth time spending the night with her. I liked to be around her because she didn't give me constant headaches. I was mainly surprised that I didn't have any sexual relations with her yet. I won't say I haven't tried, but she shut it down each time. I could just chill with her and talk about real shit.

I shifted her just a bit so I could sit up. She whined as I moved around. I wiped sleep for my face looking down at her precious self. I kissed her forehead before digging in my bag and going to brush my teeth. I stood in the mirror turning in the water to wet the toothbrush. I began brushing my teeth and brushing my waves as I checked myself out in the mirror. She walked in patting the top of her head. I looked at her slim thick frame in the mirror as she passed by.

She slept in a white shirt and some pink boy shorts. She pulled down her shorts sitting on the toilet slouching forward with her eyes closed. I looked around awkwardly as I spit. The bathroom filled with the sounds of water running and her piss trickling into the bowl. I guess she's gotten comfortable with me. She wiped and flushed the toilet. I stepped back to let her get to the sink to wash her hands.

" Good morning. " She says, moving her hair from her face and drying her hands.

" Morning. " I chuckle. " You know I was in here the whole time You was peeing? "

" I did and I didn't care. I wasn't going to wait. Is that unladylike for you? " She asked, grabbing her toothbrush and putting some paste on it.

" You Good. You just comfortable. " I shrug, leaning forward to spit. I walk out of the bathroom going to put on my clothes. I had to make a couple of rounds, and I liked to do that shit earlier in the day. I hadn't really been by the Trap in a hot minute. I grabbed my bag starting to remove my clothes. She walked back into the room coming around to the opposite side of the bed watching me get dressed.

" You have a really nice butt. " She says, checking her phone.

" Chill out looking at my ass. " I laugh.

" What! I'm just saying it looks nice. I like for my men to have a nice butt. "

" That shit gay. " I say, sliding on my shirt. " What you got planned today though? " I ask.

" Nothing. " She replies, " I was supposed to get my hair done but the bitch canceled. Where you about to go? "

" I gotta go make some rounds and check up on some people. "

" Just call it what it is... " She scoffs. " Are you about to go be a hood rat? "

I pursued my lips looking around the room trying not to laugh. Her terminology for things was hilarious. I admired her grit though. " Something like that. " I shrug.

" Hmm. " She says, cleaning her nails for a second. " Okay, I'll come. " She says, getting off the bed.

" Hold up, " I stop her. " That wasn't an invite baby girl. "

" I don't care. I don't want to sit in the house all day. "

" No. " I say, adamantly.

She chuckles lowly. " I think you'll learn that I don't follow rules. "

" I just don't want you around all of that. "

" Thank you, Daddy. I'm just going for observation. " She says, putting on her clothes.

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