"You taste like mint" He murmured between kisses and you laughed.

"How can this be the first thing you do when you wake up?" You asked while you put your hands on his chest.

"Well, I already took a shower" He said, pretending to think hard.

"Wait what?" You pulled away.

He nodded, a smug smile on his face "I woke up, took a shower and-"

"And got back on the couch?" You asked, bewildered.

"Couldn't let you wake up alone" He smirked. He woke up and then got back to cuddling you? You leaned forward and kissed him again, pulling his face to you by your hands in his hair. His hair. You could touch it forever. Your stomach grumbled and you pulled away again.

"I'm starving" You said.

"Well, I'm right here" He said and you shoved his chest.

"I'm serious, Rog" You said.

"Well, what do you wanna eat?" He asked, his hands resting on your thighs.

"You ask me that like you're going to cook it yourself" You said. He raised an eyebrow and said "What's wrong with that?"

You hopped off the counter and you went to the kitchen. Right there on your kitchen island lay a plate of freshly made scrambled eggs and bacon.

"Oh and, I made breakfast" Roger said at your surprised expression, an impossibly big smile on his face.

It was a few hours later, and after breakfast Roger had left. He said something about talking to Ava. Apparently he was an asshole to her last night. You were still feeling amazed at the fact that he had gone through the effort of waking up before you, rummaged through your very disorganized kitchen and have the energy and motivation to make you breakfast, then fall back asleep so you would wake up in his arms. He was the absolute best friend you could ever ask for. Since you had moved a lot, you hadn't really found one constant friend that you could stick by. You didn't even one have girl best friend who probably would have come very handy in a situation like this. But then you'd joined Jim and met the band and in a matter of months, they were the closest thing to you.

Your phone rang and you scrambled across your home to get it. It was Freddie.

"Hey, Fred!" You said.

"You seem happy today" He said, a suspicious tone to his voice.

"Maybe I am" You said, twirling the phone cord in your hands as you sat down.

"Is it because of a drummer boy?" He asked and you rolled your eyes.

"I do have other things in life rather than thinking about boys all day long. Why are you calling?" You asked.

"The release party. It's going to be a huge event, the wildest party you'll know. I have a favour to ask, will you be Brian's date?" He asked, excitement in his tone.

"Why can't he just ask me himself?" You asked "And I don't have anything fancy to wear"

"Well, you still have a couple of hours till the shops close so please get something extraordinarily beautiful. And he can't make it to the phone right now, so he told me to ask"

"Wait, who is Roger going with? Please don't say Ava" You said, waiting for his response and you bit your lip in anticipation.

"Darling, she basically forced him to take her, its out of his hand. Anyways, it's just one party don't worry" Freddie said and you felt your heart sink. Of course she would force him.

Falling Slowly ⤖ Roger Taylor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now