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jungkook walked across the grassy field where memorials and lost memories live. y/n was really gone and there was nothing jungkook could do to save her. 

maybe if he had been smarter. or maybe realised his feelings earlier, her cold pale body would still be full of life and joy. 

"jungkook... i know you feel guilty but it's been a month now. she would have told you to smile right?" jin said 

jungkook could only squeeze his eyes shut and let tears stream down his face. how could he smile when everything was crumbling down? how could he try to move on when the guilt was eating him up alive?

"i'm sorry... I LOVE YOU Y/N!" 

it's not your fault jungkook...

"i just miss her."

i miss you too.

"jungkook... remember that time when she gave you those pancakes on the first day of school?"

"how could i forget?"

"that was when she realised that it would be one of the last times she would get to laugh with you before everything changed." 

"how do you know?" 

"because the way she looked at you. it was like she knew."

jin and jungkook stood in silence as the wind blew, drying away their tears. 

jungkook tried to fight the tears but he felt like he had just killed someone. 

jungkook... i told you to just smile.


OKAY! that was the end of smile:)! I hope you guys liked it! I know it was pretty short but I had this idea for a long time and I had a lot of fun writing it!

check out my account for more books and have an awesome day! 


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