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News cameras and Wilkerson High students lined up outside of the police station as news had quickly circulated that Janelle was found wandering the streets in the wee hours of the morning.

As she walked out of the station between her joyfully tearful parents, she briefly spoke to one reporter. "I'm so grateful to be back. I don't remember much of what happened or where I was until this morning. But I'm home now, and I just want to get myself together, and hopefully, soon enough things will be back to normal. But thank you to everyone who helped look for me."

Her mother, Michele, and her brother, Travis held on to her tightly and cried with joy that she was safe and sound back home.

Officer Saks went to Joey's house for 'round up' questioning and quickly found that he'd been missing as well since Janelle was found. He wasn't sure if it was a missing person or a suspect on the run.

After Janelle and her family went home, Charity spoke with Iyana about the man she saw her with and how it looked like the guy in the video with Janelle. Iyana was mortified at the thought of that.

"I met him on Bumble you bumbling idiot. I can't believe you suspected me. I saw that video too. If it were him trust me, I'd recognize him, and I'd say something. What is wrong with you. What kind of friend were you to me when you thought this? You couldn't even say anything to me?"

Charity wasn't sure if she was being played or losing a good friend. "I'm sorry okay. I was questioned by the police and never once thought to bring you up. So it's not like I betrayed you. I just wondered."

Iyana let out a deep aggravated sigh, "You know sometimes I wished we could just be together. We would be the cutest couple, but now I remember why. I remember why it never worked out with us. You are such a disloyal bitch."

Any words Charity could have mustered up were being choked down by what Iyana was saying to her.

"And you know what Char, the worst part of it is that I'm still in love with you because stupidly some part of me still believes that you actually believe all of your own bullshit."

"It's not bullshit." Charity wanted to cry. She wasn't sure why but this just felt like being hit by a truck after a 4 wheeler just missed you. "And how come you never came out and said how you felt?"

"Don't change the subject. You were with Toni this whole time so what would it have mattered?"

"What?" Charity couldn't believe she knew.

"You're not the only one who knows someone else's secrets babe. I'm just better at actually keeping them."

"But I kept yours. I wasn't even sure what it was. Iyana why are you acting like this?"

"Yeah, and you should have kept it and come to me. What is this crap? Saying it after the fact when she's back? How fake were you being when you thought I was with a guy who made that tape with her? Maybe it wasn't just Joey. Maybe you were the one in on it too." 

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