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He screamed as the knife was driven through his chest. The screams became faint, as he stopped breathing.

"Wake up!"

"Wake! Up!" His eyes opened to see his companion looking at him.

He can't live with this. He knows he has to tell the truth about what actually happened that night.

"Nightmare again?"

"Yeah. It gets worse each time."

He couldn't contain himself anymore. Maybe if he didn't feel anything for the boy who sat beside him, he wouldn't be in this situation. Maybe if he had stayed home that day, he wouldn't be here right now.

Fucking love. It made him do stupid things. Though, the other didn't love him. He secretly loved him. He secretly wanted him to kiss him and to protect him from what they had to face.

They were just friends.


Stupid. Fucking. Friends.

Friends, who were on the run for a crime that neither of the boys could remember if they had committed.

Who cares though? Everyone believes they did, to the point where now they are beginning to believe it too.

All signs point to yes. Perhaps if they would have been sober that night. Maybe they could prove innocence.

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