The Life Within

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Many suns and moons had passed.

The sun was warm on my face, I listened to the birds singing as I sat and read an old scroll I had found in the ancient library. I had spent many days learning as much as I could.

I was with child now

I felt a kiss on the back of my neck soft hands on my shoulder

"And how is my queen and son today?"

Atem was certain it was a boy.

I smiled placing my hand on his

"Tired, but enjoying Ra'a warmth"

Atem knelt in front of me leaning his ear against my stomach
His hands softly traced the soft movements inside of me.
His eyes lit up as movement in my womb began to press against the sides.

Atem kissed my stomach and than me

"I never could even imagine...this right here" he held my chin

"To be a the biggest gift you have given me"

I smiled it was soon the time of birth. The priests and doctors had guess in one months pass in the time of Thoth.

Atem had been excited ever since I told him. Though he treated me so delicately always worried about me.

"Would you like to walk with me Atem?"

He smiled "Yes of course, but we will do it this afternoon"

I felt there was something he was keeping from me. I wondered if it was Isis vision. Though it seemed everyone was less uneasy I couldn't help but feel...something was coming.

Mana came to visit me while I soaked my swollen feet in the cool bath.

"How are you Niketa?"

"I am fine Mana and you?"

She sat down next to me placing her feet into the bath

"I'm..worried... Mahad and the others seem to think we are facing...a great evil."

Her bluntness caught me off for a moment

"So...there is still fear?" I mumbled

Mana nodded her head

"I'm sure Atem has kept you out of the loop but...I fear that will be the error of his are the queen...and you with you...the future of Egypt"

I sighed "I am aware...he is my husband and I know what troubles him."

"Yes..I suppose you are right" she smiled

Her eyes gazed at my stomach
"My I?"
"Of course"
Mana gently rubbed my stomach softly humming a tune.
I patted manas head. She had helped me so much with this pregnancy.


I'm so sick.

I was curled up in a ball trying to keep the bile down.
Atem was out today attending some business in the city. I was alone and honestly wondered if someone has tried to kill me with poison. The gut wrenching nausea I felt was practically unbearable not to mention humiliating.

Mana found me in my stooper on the floor near a jar of vomit.

"Niketa!! Are you okay what's wrong?!" She rushed to my side

I was with fever and chill she wrapped me in a blanket and cared for me.

After getting me to the bed she gently began to move her hands around my body just barely touching. the sensation gave me goosebumps. 

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu