Chapter 19 (COMPLETED)

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 Chapter 19

 Hazelfur skimmed through the forest. The warm green-grass air filled her ears and warmed her pelt. She had to go for a run to get out of the den and go outside. A huge fallen tree trunk blocked her path. She attempted to jump, but failed because her leap wasn't high enough. Hazelfur knew she was getting old, and have to go to the elders pretty soon.

   After a while she reached a large clearing and layed down panting. She thought about how this morning Icewind had become a warrior. She had been injured a few days ago and lost one of her eye to a fox. Crystalstar made her a warrior as soon as she could stand up. No cat knows where the fox had gone, so the clan was busy with patrols to hunt it down. 

   "What are you doing here, medicine cat?" A calico tom emerged from the bushes. "This is Cloudclan territory."

   Hazelfur quickly stood up. "Exuse me? Medicine cats are allowed to go wherever they want!" 

   "But you aren't a medicine cat." A glint of evil amusement lit Brokenwhiskers gaze. "You are a half- warrior." He crouched and lashed his tail threatingly.

   "Really? Okay, then. Come and attack me, kittypet!" Hazelfur hissed. Brokenwhisker pouced and tried to land on her back, but Hazelfur doged him and raked a few blows on his pelt. "You fight like a kittypet." she taunted the calico tom. He growled and came in fast and got a blow on her nose. As he did so she ducked and lunged forward, grasping his throat. Blood filled her mouth, making her gag.

   "Hazelfur!" screeched a she-cat. Hazelfur let go and the tom colasped on the grass. Feathersong rushed to her friend and tried to stop the bleeding. "Brokenwhisker! Please don't leave..." The Cloudclan warrior looked at her, and then whisperd something Hazelfur couldn't catch.

   "I know." she soothed. "I will go get cobwebs-"

   "No." he croaked. "I'm sorry, Feathersong. I am sorry I have to leave you. Just remember-" he trailed off in a fit of coughing. "I love you." Brokenwhisker mewed his final words, and then layed his head on the grass- lifeless. Feathersong choked on an imaginary thing, and sobbed into his pelt.

   "Featherong..." Hazelfur began. She hadn't meant to kill him! "I am sorry-"

   The silver she-cat whipped her head around with anger flaring in her eyes. "No you aren't, Hazelfur! Why? Why will you kill my only love?"

   This time anger flared in Hazelfur's eyes. "You weren't suppost to be with him! Let alone love him! Besides, he attacked me!"

   "But you prevoked him! I saw everything." Feathersong headed towards the Clouclan camp. 

   "Where are you going?" she challenged. 

   "To tell Cloudclan that a fox got Brokenwhisker."

   Besides her anger, a glimmer of hope dug inside her. "You are going to lie for me?"

   Feathersong whipped around to face her. "Of course not! But if they think Rippleclan killed him, they will attack!" Feathersong ran to the Cloudclan camp, away from her fellow medicine cat. 

   Later that day storm clouds billowed up in the sky. Rain was on it's way. Hazelfur ducked into the elders den to put some fresh moss in their nests. Yarrowtail and Greeneye looked up at her. Vole was gone.

   "Where's Vole?"she asked.

   "He went out for a hunt before the rain comes." mewed Yarrowtail. "Stupid mousebrain. Now he will come back with ticks!"

   "Don't worry." Hazelfur put more moss in Vole's nest. "I will clean him up for you." Hazelfur told her mother to stand up so she could put moss in her nest. 

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