Chapter 1

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Jiro was sitting on her bed in her dorm room, alone. It was the middle of the night, 3:00 in the morning. The moon light was shining through the red curtains. She had red petals in her hands, with blood along side it. She was crying. "Why, why?" Jiro asked in between sobs. "Is it because of... no it can't be her, it, can't be..." Jiro told herself. She got up and went to her trash can in the corner of her room, and threw the petals in the trash. She stared at the trash can, the petals, before realizing the blood is staining on her hands. She put a baggie hoodie, that covered her hands, with "Deep Dope" on the front. She had a bit of blood on around her mouth, but it wasn't that noticeable. She opened her door, looked out to find anyone, but didn't. With a heavy sigh, Jiro walked out of her room, and to the bathroom. Once in, Jiro locked the bathroom door, and ran the water in the sink. She cleaned the blood off her hands, or tried to, and cleaned her face. Afterwards, she unlocked the bathroom door to find Momo right in front of her. "AGH!" Jiro exclaimed. "Shhhh!" Momo replied, putting her finger over her mouth, and the other over Jiro's. After Jiro calmed down, Momo asked quietly, "What are you doing up 3 in the morning!" Jiro could feel the small amount of flowers in her lungs, "I had to use the bathroom! And I got to go to bed now, for tomorrow with training." She managed to spit out before running away to her room. Momo stood at the doorway of the bathroom, confused. Once Jiro got to her room, she quickly locked her door. She slumped to the ground, back against the door, softy crying. One cough, brought a full red rose. "Great" Jiro said, tears running down her face. Jiro threw the flower across the room, right on front of her drum set, and to continued cry, till she fell asleep.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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