Spit it Out (Ticci TobyxReader)

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It was around 9:00 when it happened.
You were walking home from the bus stop. It was mostly dark from what you could see. The only light you saw came from the distant street light ahead. But you knew your way around the neighbourhood very well.
As you continued to walk, you hear footsteps behind you. Multiple footsteps.
You saw someone run past you. No one you knew though. So you continued walking, but you still heard someone behind you. You spun around to see who it was but saw... Nothing.
It all went blank. It went blank as you felt all the air get pushed out of your lungs, and your back scrape on the concrete. then two hands push down on your shoulders, and a heavyweight lifts off your body.
You opened your eyes as you moved your hair from your face. You looked up to see some guy dusting himself off. You stood up and gave him an 'ugly' look. You were upset with him. From what you saw he had a mouthpiece that covered his lips and chin up to under his nose and orange goggles.
"Hey! You should watch where you run!" You said with anger in your voice. He shook his head a couple of times before looking up at you.
" Yeah? Well, you shouldn't st---" He stopped.

"Ud... Do I know you?" You asked a bit confused.
He pulled his mask down and his goggles off. He looked familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it.
" We went to school together. We weren't friends but we had classes together."
You thought back. Then you remembered.
You remembered when kids would make fun of him, and poke him real hard.
"Ticci Toby?" You whispered. He twitched and looked down.
"Yeah... But that's not my name."
You looked at him.
"Yeah. Toby Rodgers?" You asked.
"Yeah. I remember you. And I'm sorry."
"I saw what they were doing... And I did nothing."
Toby just continued to look down and said.
"Well... Nice... Bumping into you." And walked away.

A week later, You met Toby again.
As you walked off the bus, you saw Toby sitting at the bus stop. With his head down and his hands in his lap.
"Toby?" His face shot up, and his dark eyes met your own.
"(Y/N). Hey." He said as he smiled. Then the bus drove off. You watched, then looked to Toby.
"Were you going somewhere?" You asked.
"Oh, so you're just sitting around?"
"Yeah... Actually no." He stood up. He was five inches taller than you.
"I was wondering... If you..." He stopped before he could finish.
"Bye (Y/N)" He said turning away. Before he could leave you grabbed his arm. And without thinking said:
"Toby? Would you like to come over?"
You felt bad for just leaving him to be hurt, so you wanted to show him he had a friend by his side.
"To your house?" He asked. You nodded.
"What about your-"
"It's fine."
"Sh- Sure"
You nodded your head for him to follow. So he walked to your side. And you both walked to your house.

As you both walked to your house, you decided to get to know him more.
"So.. Toby. May I ask why you left school? I haven't seen you in six years."
You both were silent. You; waiting for an answer, he; thinking of a way to tell you.
"It's hard to explain. As much as I can tell you is that my mom wanted me to learn in a more friendly environment."
You nodded. Showing that you understood.
"What school do you go to now?" You asked. His eyes went wide that second... Now he had to think about his answer.
"I-I'm... Homeschooled."
"OH okay."
Finally, you guys arrived at your house.
"Here we are," you said as you turned into the driveway. Toby followed.
You unlocked the door, opened it, walked in, and gestured for Toby to follow. After you were both in the house you saw your Mom on the couch reading a book.
"Hey, Mama. This is my friend. Is it okay if he says over a bit?" You asked hoping for a good answer. If she said no, you would walk around with him outside until you had to go home. Either way, you WERE going to hang out with him. Why? You felt bad.
She looked up to both of you.
"What's his name?" she asked.
"Have I met him before?"
"... Well. No."
"Does his parents know he's here?"
You looked at Toby. His dark eyes widened. Then he looked at your mother.
"Ye..yes," he replied.
She sighed.
"Yes he may stay," she said as she looked back to her book.
You smiled wide satisfied with the result.

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