Queen Of Egypt

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Morning came with a sense of brightness and happiness I longed for. I kissed the cheek of my husband before getting up to speak with my father.

Atem was sleeping so soundly as I left him I felt slightly guilty leaving him there.

My father was in the gardens admiring many of our beautiful flowers.

"Ah daughter.." He arms streched pht to me
"Congratulating.." His embrace was peaceful

I smiled "Tell me father what of home?"

My father sighed "well things haven't been lookong up. However...when the Pharaoh announced your engagement to egyot the people were proud and less gossip driven. Your people are proud.

I smiled

"Father how did you come to find out I was go be wed to the Pharaoh?" A question that had been eating away from me.
My father laughed
The Pharaoh of course, he reached out. It was somewhat of a wedding gift I suppose.
My father and I walked and reminist through memmories.
I hugged him tightly as I saw him out.

"I am very proud of you...rule this kingdom well"
My father patted ny head lightly before boarding his boat I cried a little as I said goodbye.

Though a short visit it was refreshing to have closure to have my father in my life again.

I headed back to the palace to see if atem had finally gotten up.

I opened the door to our bedroom Atem was sitting up in the bed staring outside a sweet smile on his face

"Ah, good morning!" I said excitedly

Atem smiled his arms reached out for my embrace.
"And how is my queen...on such a perfect morning" he whispered in my ear.
I turned up to him blushing. He still knew how to make the butterflies stir.

Today was the first day I was to attend civil service with the Pharaoh. This is where civilans would come with concerns and problems to the Pharaoh. Mostly we would deal with poor folk and merchants. Atem said its very simple create harmony and answers.

Atem took my hand and led me to my throne next to his kissing me on the cheek.

"You'll be fine...I am here. " he reassured me.

The first few citizens were kind with their concerns

Worried about their crops from the harsh weather.

Some were concerned of bandits in the far east corners of the city.

I spent most of time quietly watching Atem, he was brilliant. He rested his chin on his hand and would think a moment before answering problems.

Atem turned to me he seemed worried about my lack of confidence
He leaned over in ny ear

"My love, you must try..do not let the people see you so uneasy"

I nodded I was tense.

A maiden came toward us speaking of a property issue with her husband, she had gone to the high courts for such an issue but they rejected her.
She asked for a settlement of equality between her and her husband.

I decided I would speak I gently places my hand on Atems arm before raising

"Are you a mother?"

The women nodded "yes, of three"

I smiled

"It appears you should have the right of property, where is your husband?"

She shrugged "He took off leaving me with nothing"

"You are granted what it is you seek. If your husband returns he will be put to court you may return to your home and belongings until that date"

The women bowed

"Thank you beloved queen thank you"

I sat down feeling sweat drip down my face
Atem grabbed my chin kissing me passionately
"That...is what I want to see.."
He smiled.

Over time, I had realized I was much more empathetic then Atem, we made a great team balancing out the Issues in the city. Many people began to praise me in the streets, less gossip and much love. 

The Guardian had grown tolerant of me, mostly due to Atems demands. Though Seto still spent a lot of time ignoring me, he did seem to be warming up to me now. Everyone else treated me with respect. It was a nice change. 

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now