"will you go with me?" "as long as you hold my hand"

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Albus hated spiders.

He claimed he got it from the horrific stories his uncle Ron used to tell him as a child, but Scorpius assumed he just didn't want to admit that he found the eight legged creatures terrifying.

Albus wasn't one to visibly show his distress, however. Scorpius had observed this over the course of the past five years. His fear was purely internal; Scorpius wished he could say the same about himself.

Even now, as they lined up by the Defence classroom, anxiously awaiting the Boggart they'd be faced with, Albus seemed perfectly fine.

"I'll wait outside," Scorpius said, as the student in front of them entered the room, shutting the door with a bang.

"What?" Albus said quickly. "You can't make me do this alone."

"You seemed fine last time," Scorpius pointed out. "I think I was more freaked out than you were. Over your Boggart."

"If you're so scared of spiders, why isn't it your Boggart, too?" Albus raised a brow.

"I'd rather face a spider than Delphi again," Scorpius winced at the memory of his unwelcome fear.

Albus pouted. "Please?"

"Albus... that thing was staring into your soul."

"Okay, you're being dramatic," Albus sighed. "Please? Will you go in with me?"

Scorpius slumped against the wall in defeat. He'd never been particularly good at not listening to his best friend."

"Fine, as long as you hold my hand," he muttered.

Albus grinned widely, reminding Scorpius exactly why he could never manage to say no to him. The student who'd gone in barged out of the room, looking slightly traumatized, and Albus immediately grabbed his hand.

Scorpius had no choice but to follow him.


this one was super short. well.

- gxldensnitched <3

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