Chapter Four: Two Poems, One Kiss

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"Better buckle up. There's a storm coming and it'll get a little bumpy. I guess Thor's upset about something." He chuckles.

I nod and buckle my seatbelt. To me, this was no laughing matter. Thunder and lightning terrified me. I have to focus on the mission, though. They have innocent people as hostages and its our job to safely get them out.

We fly over to the location the terrorists are squatting. The back door to the plane opens so we can jump down. I look out and my stomach gets all tingly. I know I'm used to dangerous stuff, but the silly things are what makes me nervous.

Steve grabs a parachute and hands me one as well. We then go up to the edge.

"Ready?" Steve asks sympathetically.

I nod and we both jump. A rush of cold air hits my face at once. Its not that long before we reach the ground. Steve swiftly takes off the parachute and strides over to the corner.

I, however, struggle to get mine off. I shake it off my leg and catch up to Steve, tripping of course.

Steve puts his finger to his lips then points to his left, signaling for us to move out. Steve leads me to the door to the inside and tries to open it.

"Its locked from the inside." Steve says thinking.

"Can I try?" I ask sheepishly.

He looks at me with a certain face. A face with hints of doubt and unreliability. I do not like that face.

"I guess so..." He says almost uncertain.

I walk up to the door and put my hands on it. I close my eyes and concentrate.

Steve furrows his brows. He crosses his arms and taps his foot out of inpatients.

"Hold on, I almost have it." I say still with closed eyes.

"Have what?" Says Steve raising an eyebrow.


I open the door and hold it for Steve with a smile.

Steve stares at me with confusion and amazement.

"How the heck..." Steve starts.

"I'm able to control basic materials, such as metal. The doors aren't controlled by locks right next to the doors so it took me a while to find the room connected to the door lock. Once I found it, all it took was a flick of the wrist to unlock the door. Pretty simple actually." I say walking inside.

Steve follows still confused. We sneak around a bit until we find the room hiding the poor hostages. We take care of the terrorists, then help the innocent people get out. Steve and I managed to save all of their lives and bring those terrorists to justice. Once the mission was over, we both went back to S.H.I.E.L.D. head quarters. Steve went to his work, I went to mine.

I walk back down to Loki's prison. As I get closer and closer, I can hear muffled yelling from inside. I open the door and see Thor and Loki screaming at each other.

I interrupted them. Oh no. I interrupted two angry gods. What do I do?! Leave you idiot! Shut the door!

I do as my conscience orders me and quickly shut the door. But Thor unfortunately opens it and says to me, "Sorry about that. We're done, right Loki?" He looks back at Loki who has clenched fists and teeth.

Thor them angrily strides down the hallway. I gulp and look in the room again. Loki is glaring at me with pure hatred.

What did I do now?

I slowly walk in and shut the door.

"You..." Loki growls in a low husky voice.

I keep my head down. I feel like a guilty puppy with its tail between its legs.

"Its all you're fault..." He says a little louder.

I walk over to my stuff and grab my laptop.


Loki slams his hand on the glass prison. It startles me ams I drop my laptop.

"You pathetic mortal... Why did you have to show me that stupid movie..." Loki growls with slight sorrow in his voice.

I apologize, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I-"

"SHUT UP YOU USELESS GIRL!!!" Loki screams.

I let out a slight wince. I didn't like yelling. It upset me more than others. I start to feel a lump in my throat.

Pull yourself together. Don't let him scare you.

"You pathetic, worthless, putrid mortal!!!" Loki screams fiercely.

The lump in my throat gets bigger. I'm unable to ignore it now. I feel hot tears fill my eyes. I try to blink them away before he notices. He'll think I'm weak and he might try to escape.

Loki's face softens and he stops. He blinks.

Is she crying? Why is she crying? She's the one that caused all this not me...

I can't help it, but tears flow down my face. I try to wipe them away, but something stops me. It was Loki. Loki was in front of me.

How did he get out?!

He gently lifts my hand away from my face and does something that almost gave me a heart attack.

He kissed me...

Broken (Loki x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin