Start from the beginning

You let Tom get the boy into his car seat, meanwhile you open the trunk area to put your luggage inside. It's only when you and Tom are both in the car, when the driver pulls away, do you share a reunion.

"Hello love," Tom says and wraps an arm around your shoulders.

You crane your neck over and up, and the two of you share a quick kiss. The touch is more than welcomed—it's been almost two months of nonstop press work for the movie, and since Tom is the Spider-Man he's had to be gone the whole time. You let yourself melt a little, and relax into the familiar feeling.

"Ew," Ezra groans.

Tom pulls away from you and looks to the child.

"Ew what?" He asks.

"Kissin'!" Ezra says, pointing accusingly at the two of you.

Tom shakes his head, "guess what else is ew, Ez."

"What?" Ezra asks slowly, giggles already echoing through the car.

"Tickle monster!" Tom exclaims, lurching to his left to tickle Ezra.

The boy lets out a shrill set of cackles, legs and arms thrashing at the tickling. Eventually Tom stops and Ezra catches his breath only to give the two of you a toothy smile. His cheeks are flushed pink, and it's incredibly cute.

"Still hungry Ez?" You ask.

He nods and you grab his water bottle from his backpack; handing it to him which he takes and gulps down with gusto.

The driver ends up taking the three of you to a nearby Red Robins because it's close, has kid friendly food, and the sooner the three of you eat the sooner the three of you can relax.

The SUV pulls to the curb and you all pile out. Ezra is all but Tom's shadow, sticking as close as he can to his father. You open the door for them, to which Tom dramatic sighs and claims "chivalry really is dead". You roll your eyes and let him talk to the host to make up for it.

"Can I draw?" Ezra asks, pulling at your pants as he talks.

The host smiles, grabbing a cup of broken crayons and a coloring sheet, "of course little man."

Ezra shrinks a little at the stranger but nods gratefully. Tom pats the boy's shoulder; praise for giving some what of an answer.

You think the shy stage will wear eventually, but you know you can't force it either. The three of you are lead to a corner booth, and Ezra makes a point to wedge himself between the two of you.

The restaurant is so American; as if the flag art made of red, white, and blue baseballs didn't give it away. Spending pretty much all of your time in England has made coming back to your home country a little disorienting. Everything was once so familiar—but now it feels like a whole different world.

"Your server will be with you shortly," the host says before walking off.

"(Y/N) says I can have a soda!" Ezra tells Tom.

Tom looks at you with an arched look.

"I said I would ask if you could since you gave up nuggets for tenders," you correct, looking at Tom who is fake thinking it over.

"Pleeeeaaase!" Ezra draws out.

"Alright. One soda, and you're getting fruit with your tenders," Tom offers and the boy nods happily. The fruit isn't a huge compromise considering Ezra eats a ton of fruit anyways.

The three of you quickly get a server who takes orders and gives you guys water in the meantime. Ezra picks up a broken dirty crayon and begins to fill in the coloring page he'd been given.

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