"What's she doing?" Stefan asked aloud as he craned his neck to look at the witch who was currently sitting at the table in front of them quietly, performing a spell. "She's failing," the hybrid replied bluntly with an annoyed smile causing Gloria to glare at him from across the room. "It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on," she retorted, irritated by the hybrid's constant pestering, "so use me," Rebekah suggested as she swung her legs off the bar.

"I only wore it for a thousand years," the female vampire said in incredulity as she hopped off of the bar and strutted over to the table the witch was one, sitting on top of it being mindful of the lit candles. "See? Now this one offers a solution," Gloria said as she looked towards the older original, Klaus rolling his eyes in response, "alright, give me your hand, sweetheart," she said to Rebekah, enclosing her hand around hers as she began to chant quietly in Latin once again.

"She's uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan asked quietly as he looked at the two older females with an unreadable expression. Thea glanced at her friend in puzzlement, hearing the nervousness in his tone. What's his problem? she thought as Stefan began to fidget with his hands. "I found it," Gloria suddenly stated, her chanting coming to a stop as she let go of Rebekah's hand. "So where is it?" the blonde asked as she looked at the witch expectantly.

The witch simply shook her head in response, "it doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends," she started to explain. It was then that a sudden realisation hit Thea. The necklace that Rebekah had lost was the same necklace Stefan had given to Elena, that's why he was acting all shifty. The wolf glanced at her friend in slight concern, Stefan looking back at her with the same expression. If Klaus found out it was Elena that had the necklace, they'd all be dead.

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends if I don't get my necklace back," Rebekah ranted as she stood from the table, walking back over to Klaus and Thea at the bar. "I'll have to dive back in to get the details," the witch muttered passively as she waved her hand, dismissing the original. "So dive," Klaus said with a bored tone as he got off his bar stool and walked towards the dark skinned witch. "I need more time," Gloria stated, giving the hybrid a warning look as he placed his hands on the table, leaning closer to her.

"And space. You're harshing my juju," the witch sighed, irritated by the originals impatience, "we can wait," he retorted as he stared at her in agitation. "I'm sure you can," the female witch said passively, "but that's not what I asked," she finished, her chocolate eyes locked onto the hybrid's ocean blue as they both challenged the other to look away first. Stefan then stepped up, placing a hand on his former friends shoulder sensing the tension in the room, "hey, you know, why don't we come back later. I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat," he said persuasively.

The two originals smirked before following the younger vampire out of the bar, the witch sighing in relief. "I'll catch up to you guys later, there's something I need to do," Thea called out causing Klaus to stop at the entrance in concern. "I can stay," he started, slightly worried for her well-being, not fully trusting that the witch wouldn't do something to harm Thea in retaliation at him. The Lockwood wolf shook her head, a small smile on her face as she realised the hybrid cared for her, "I'll be fine, Nik. I'll meet you at the warehouse later," she told him. Klaus smiled back at her, nodding before walking out of the bar and following his sister and former friend, knowing the young wolf could handle herself.

"So what can I do for you?"


"I've never heard of a werewolf that was unable to turn once they'd triggered their curse," Gloria started as she stared at the dark haired teen in front of her, "it must have something to do with your soulmate bond," the witch finished, an amused smirk on her face that caused the wolf to stiffen. "I never mentioned a soulmate bond," Thea stated, pushing her chair back in slight apprehension as the elder female hummed mockingly.

FIRE AND ICE ⎯ n.mikaelson¹Where stories live. Discover now