You Have ONE New Message

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When Anah Miller, agony aunt to the whole of Hastings Academy, replies to Clueless and Useless' e-mail about his unrequited love, little does she know that's she's opened Pandora's Box. A few days later, when she receives a text from an unknown number, she tries to ignore the boy at the other end, but day by day, he breaks through her defences. There's just one snag- he won't tell her who he is! Can the pretty, quiet and unassuming Anah let herself fall for the guy, without even knowing who he is? And can a relationship formed through messages really blossom?

To make You Have ONE New Message realistic, I'll be posting daily updates in 'real time'.  The first one will be on the 5th of September 2014, with the second update on the 8th of September. After that, it'll be updated daily, right through until December 20th. And maybe, I'll even write a little something extra! (Some days will have a LOT of to-and-froing messaging wise, other days Anah and Mystery Man might be ignoring each other! Teenagers and their relationships these days!) Hope you like it, Sarah. xx

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