Professor Jacob took your hand, and walked you out of the lab. He then turned to you and said, "You know...I never expected you to ask me out~," he said. "I thought you found me as a...pervert~." You looked in his eyes. "Well...yes you are gross...," you said nervously. "But...I know you do have a sweet side somewhere...." He chuckled and pulled you close, making you squeak. "Gross huh?~" He asked while licking his lips. "But I'll show you how sweet I can be~." And so the date began. He walked you to a restaurant you requested, and he paid for the meals you ordered. You stared nervously at your food and slowly ate. You couldn't believe it. You were dating the Professor. He then looked at you. "You're awfully quiet~," he chuckled. "W-We can talk," you said shyly. "Oh really? What about? Go ahead~. I'm all ears~." You squeaked again, and slowly began to talk. "W-Well...," you began. "Since when have you started doing this...?" You asked. "What's...this?~" He asked. "Well...all this lab stuff." His eyes widened. "That's a good question~," he said. "Well, I have been making stories for a long time now. And so I love when someone swoons as they read about their crush~." As he was talking, you slowly looked at him without looking back. You were listening to all of what he was saying. "But of course...some part of my mind considered it was too weird," he said, which started to surprise you. "I mean, I'm doing something I've never done before, and I get excited myself as I create my works. Kinda freaky huh?" Now all of a sudden, you felt like you were talking to someone else. You looked in his eyes. He was then looking down slowly. "P-Professor," you said as you slowly took his hands. He watched as you did and he slowly started to blush. He then looked at you. You grew a smile. "I don't think you're a freak," you said. "I mean yes, all this sexy and sultry and mature Sonic virtual reality is very...surprising. But it doesn't really mean that you are a freak. Or a pervert. I think you're a very sweet guy." You then watched as Professor Jacob seemed touched by what you said. It was then you leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek. He gasped, and started to blush more. "__________...," he said softly. You then started planting kisses on his face. He blushed more, and you started to giggle. "And you're very cute too," you said. He looked in your eyes, and he slowly leaned in. You leaned in as well, and the two of you kissed passionately. After a minute, you both slowly pulled away. You then slowly asked him, "Was that...purple stuff you gave me...a love potion...?" And the Professor...he said...,
"No...." And he shook his head.

Valentine Heaven
FanfictionIt's Valentine's Day~ And the Professor has many tricks up his sleeve for this special event~ But in this finally fall in love with someone~