Hey, Lupin

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Remus sat staring at the glittered monstrosity currently in his hand. It was a horrible shade of pink with far too much glitter, the glitter falling everywhere. Although... as far as cards went... maybe it wasn't the worst. And... maybe the pink was actually quite pretty. And maybe, despite the glitter, the fact that somebody had took the time to make a card by hand was rather sweet. He opened it up and almost screamed- because rather than writing, whoever it was had cut out letters from the Daily Prophet. Remus was sure he was going to be murdered. Once he was over the initial shock of the threatening format, he slowly began to read.

'Hey Lupin, I was wondering if you've got the time, if you'd like to be my valentine? Love from your secret admirer. Oh, and watch out for my surprises today. If you guess who I am you'll know where to meet me xxx'

Remus blushed- even if it did seem a little... creepy, he supposed he could take the gifts and not show up, or maybe send an owl in his place. So he smiled to himself- somebody liked him, and this was his first valentine. James looked over Remus's shoulder, so Remus clamped the card shut, and James wolf-whistled. "Got yourself a hot date, have we? Don't forget protection, we don't need any cubs running around!"

"Ew James," Remus protested, "I'm not going to sleep with anybody! It's just a card, it's probably a prank."

"I don't know, Moons," Sirius said quickly, "they made a lot of effort to make the card, nobody would do that for a prank. Maybe you should roll with it." Remus sighed, opening the card up to read it again. He hadn't recognised the owl, nor did he know what surprises were in store for him. They'd probably be generic, he thought, like a dozen red roses, as whoever it was would need to be a stalker to know much else about the private boy. Remus shrugged, heart sinking a little. Because the boy he liked- no, the man he was in love with- was telling him to date some random who sends a card anonymously and sets clues like some kind of serial killer with letters cut from a newspaper.  Then again... Remus did like a mystery... so he supposed it wouldn't hurt to solve this mystery...



Remus picked up his cauldron ready for potions, partnered with Peter, of course- Peter's cauldron was actually just a saucepan. He placed the heavy pewter salad bowl on the desk- yes he was aware it wasn't actually a salad bowl, but calling it one certainly made him giggle. "Okay, Wormy, what's first, um- lacewings, pass me them?" Peter handed over some lacewing flies and Remus leaned over to pour them-



"In my cauldron, there's chocolates in my cauldron!"

"Must be from that stalker of yours," Peter joked, nudging him, and Remus blushed.

"Yes, but- these aren't Honeydukes. These are Cadbury's milk tray... they're Muggle... and my favourite."

"So that means it must be a Muggleborn, right?"

"Or a Slytherin to be so damn sneaky," Remus smiled, shaking his head and removing the chocolates. They had a beige bow on- Beige was Remus's favourite colour. Because it reminded him of warmth, of home, of books and of his jumper- the one Sirius had stolen.

"If you won't eat them, I will!" Peter grinned, and Remus held the chocolates away.

"Hey," he said in a joke warning tone, "nobody eats my chocolate, not even friends!"

"Okay, okay, but only because I don't want to be eaten by your furry little problem," Peter joked, and Remus burst out laughing.

"If you ate my chocolate, I'd make you flea check Padfoot," he replied, and both Peter and Remus were folded in half, shaking with laughter. Needless to say, they received a detention. They had no intention of turning up.

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