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An orange dappled she cat padded forward onto the shiny, sparkling grass. The landscape shined like stars on a moonlit night.

"Sunstar." The cat spoke in a smooth silky voice. The mentioned cat turned his head, looking at the dappled she cat.

"Flamefeather." Sunstar replied, the former Darkclan leader looked stressed.

"What is it? It has to be important if you've come to me." He said quizzically. Flamefeather sighed, looked at the moon and closed her eyes for a moment.

"There's been a prophecy..." She spoke softly.

"What?! There hasn't been a prophecy in... generations! There can't be one now!" He exclaimed, though Flamefeather was wondering who he was trying to convince. The old Darkclan medicine cat looked at him sorrowfully, understanding his doubts.

"But there is one now." She said calmly.

Sunstar sighed and looked the medicine cat in the eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

Flamefeather restated the prophecy.

"Blood will spill, plants will rot, battles will start, then silence will fill the forest, bringing peace to the land."

The former leader looked agitated, his yellow and ginger tail lashing angrily.

"What does that even mean! Battles! Blood! This is all fox dung! I mean, why now?!"

Flamefeather let the tom rant and vent about it, knowing the stress he might feel.

"Sunstar," She meowed, trying to get his attention.

"Sunstar," She said growing irritated.


"BROTHER!!!" She hissed, his head snapping towards her.

"Finally!" She growled. He lowered his ears in embarrassment, his old ranting habits showing.

"I know this all must be very shocking but you need to calm down!"

She continued, gazing into the stars above. "I know this kit will save the clans. I know she will..."

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