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Barry's dreams came true. Today he was marrying Iris West. Soon to be Allen.

He loved her. And she loved him. Or so he thought...

"Dude you have to get ready! The weddings in 2 hours and you got to be down the aisle in 1." Cisco said as he handed Barry his tux.

Barry had been star struck all day thinking about Iris' dress how beautiful it must be. He hasn't seen it but soon he will fantasize about it.

You came to Iris' dressing room to help her get ready. You didn't necessarily not like Iris. But you liked Barry. Like. Like like.

You two always flirted with each other before him and Iris were even dating. You wanted to ask him out, but never got the chance to. Iris took him before you.

And you understand that you had bad timing and we're too slow. And you supported them even though it killed you.

"Ugh I cant wait to get this over with," Iris groaned as she put on some blush, "I can't wait to just get a hold of all the money he has from Star labs and CCPD and just divorce already."

You looked shocked. All the other girls agreed except you and Caitlin. The other girls: Linda, Jessie, Cecile, and Gypsy, were nodding along while doing her preparations.

You and Caitlin looked at each other. You ran out and went to Barry's dressing room.

"Barry let me in!" You cried and slammed the door with your fists.

"No girls aloud!" Yelled Cisco. "Shut up let me in!" You Yelled as you unlocked it with your Bobby pin.

"Smart girl." Cisco said backing off.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked buttoning his tux.

"Barry you cant marry Iris. She's faking this whole thing! She's tricking you to get all your money from working a t star labs and CCPD!" You Yelled.

"Y/n that's crazy!" Barry laughed. You pulled his arm to drag him to the girls dressing room.

You whispered "listen." In his ear as he put it up to the door.

"Yeah. I don't even like him anyway! He's so nerdy and boring and way to tall for me. He also thinks that just because we known each other long, we can do everything together. We literally have showered together?! It's weird. He's not even 6 inches, and you know that's my limit!" Said iris to the girls in the room.

"Barry. She is the rudest woman I've ever heard. None of that's true. I love you for you. If she doesn't see the amazing parts of being you, she's blind." You sighed and looked at his emerald eyes.

"Really? You love me?" He asked as you took his hand.

"How could I not. I've always loved you barry. And I was so jealous of you and Iris." You smiled.

"Wow. I'm sorry I never noticed." Barry sighed. "Can you forgive me? And we cans get as far away from here as possible?" He asked smiling.

"Of course. And let's go." You smiled and walked as you rested your head on his shoulder.

"Bartholomew Henry Allen! What do you think you're doing! This is our wedding day!" Iris Yelled from down the hall.

Barry didn't even look back and held up the middle finger in the air to her. She screamed like a little girl who didn't get the pink pony she wanted. Barry and you laughed and walked out.

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