Start from the beginning

Judging from what I observe which is difficult to prove they are escorting someone inside this ship but the things is there isn’t anything valuable a noble class people had when doing this voyage. Gold coins, nice fine silk, antics furniture or anything like armory and etc but there’s naught in here.

After putting all the guard in the center of the deck tying them up, after that greg emerge gripping a female on her arm dragging her. He then push the female forward, she stumble down with a thud. She moves near the knight and cling at him.

Looking at the female, she doesn’t look like a noble female should where but according to her movement which is fluid like and her stare to greg with a hint of fear but still brave to glare at him.

A movement caught my eyes and it was scar jumping from the deck to the navy ship. She glance at the female then back at me before she spoke the women yelled.

I demand you pirate to tell me where you got that sword” she demanded. Hmmm this caught my attention. The sword which I am so curious and the this female knows about it.

who might be you” scar responded

The knight then shout something that I didn’t like and I think scar also because she halted her advance to the female and went to the knight kneeling on the floor. Duff really did some damage to his face I chuckled inside my head.

Scar then crouched down and whispered something that the knight became paled after hearing it. He became silent; I think cat got his tongue. Then in a blink of an eye scar punch him square in the face.

do you found something worthy to takr here?” she ask but the group answer with a shake of head no.

“Liam do you want this woman to be sold as a slave?”  she ask, is she kidding me?

“WHAT?! You cant do that?” the female respond with fear laced on her voice.

well I can” scar said

I cut her off and speak “no scar we didn’t have to, we don’t abduct woman here, we only loot ships” I said to her. “TAKE THE SPEAR ARROW OUT OF THIS SHIP” I shouted and all the crew member scramble to do the task at hand.

And the worst part is this idiotic navigator of mine almost slips out of his tongue, I smacked his head hard and huff getting away near scar. The last time I saw her was dragging the female inside the ship. I sighed again annoyed because theres nothing we can loot in here so we might just need to leave them be. I didn’t know scar swing that way, well she really isn’t interested on any male on blue haven but she doenst checked any female too. So I just brush this off.


As I left my room and went to go outside lora then suddenly pop in front of me scaring me to death.

“oh im sorry Liam did I startled you” she said with a glint of something in her eyes.

I scowled at her “what do you want lora, I need to go somewhere”

“I think you might want to see this, this keeps bugging me really and luckily you came back and dock here, come lets got to your study room” she then began to walk eagerly

“why not just tell me here about it” I didn’t follow her and when she heard what I say she spun around and talked “I think this is a private matter to discussed” she said

I scrunched my brow in confusion and just followed suite what might this private conversation will led to.

She locked the door and proceeds to the table retrieving something on it.

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