Chapter 10: Era

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-National Council Fiore Branch-

Natsu was following the humanoid frog through the halls of the Fiore Council Branch building. Natsu noticed an all too familiar man leaning against a column.

"Siegrain" Natsu said in his usual low, monotone voice while waking past the projection, but stopped a couple feet from Siegrain. The humanoid frog immediately dropped to kneel in front of the azure haired man.

"Is that all you have to say to me Dragneel? Or is there more?" Siegrain smirked at the dragon slayer. Natsu didn't move an inch, the man behind him tilted his head to the side.

"Now, now, not even going to speak another word to one of the members you're going to be trialed under? How rude," Siegrain Closed his eyes and shook his head with a cocky grin.

"Why would I even utter a word to you? You're not even here to speak in person," Natsu answered and turned around to face Siegrain.

Siegrain chuckled. "I wouldn't speak to someone as important as me like that. I have always been a defender of Fairy Tail. You wouldn't want me to stop, would you?"

"Is that a threat? I don't need to show any respect to a man like you, not someone who doesn't deserve it."

"Haha, you've always to be a jokester" Siegrain said sarcastically with a smirk. Natsu glared at the man. "Anyways, I'd like to be entertained more, but I have a trial to get to. And so do you. I would get to that. See ya soon" with that said Siegrain disappeared.

The humanoid frog stood up and stared wide eyed at Natsu. "You actually talk to someone that important with that tone of voice?" The frog asked.

"I wouldn't call him important" Natsu muttered under his breathe.


Natsu walked into the trial room and saw the council members on stands above him.

"Please take the witness stand" Natsu obliged, took his place on the stand and his black eyes searched the members of the Council.

"Alright, this courtroom will now come to order" called the Frog. "The defendant is Natsu Dragneel".

Natsu's black eyes stared at the members on the upper-stands.

"Natsu Dragneel you stand before the Council to answer to charges stemming from the incident involving the dark guild Eisenwald. You are suspected of destroying Oshibana Station, Ryusika Gorge railway bridge, and the complete destruction of the Guild Master's meeting hall. You have also have 13 property damages charged against you. According to eyewitness report, the perpetrator was described as a black clad male with pink hair." The man in the middle of all the Council members announced.

Natsu glared at the man. 'Did he say pink? It's not pink.'

"And-" The man couldn't finish when suddenly an explosion came from the doors of the meeting trial hall.

The man immediately stood up and studied the exploded wall. "What is this?!" The man exclaimed.

Natsu felt his eye twitch when he saw a replica of himself step out of the exploded wall. It possibly couldn't have been him if you took a look at them side by side.

"I am the pink haired dimwit you geezers have been trying to catch! If you think that me destroying the Meeting Hall was more important than the Guild master's lives then you can come deal it out with me!" the Natsu clone proclaimed in a voice that was too high pitch to be Natsu's.

Natsu wanted to just hit his head in the wall so bad at this point... but decided against it. He just glared at the replica with a strong urge to punch something.

'Oh, she is going to die once I get my hands on her'

"Do you got a problem with the Fairy Tail guild? If ya do, then you can bring it out with me. Don't accuse a completely innocent man!" The replica shouted once again.

The council members mouth's dropped open and stared at the crazy replica. Siegrain was watching the whole scene in amusement.

"You think I'm so destructive, Well then I'll prove it to you".

The man in the middle stared at the replica then sighed. "Take them away" he used his gavel to pound on the table.

The replica glared at the man. "You're gonna put an innocent man in jail?! How cruel!".

Natsu sighed. "Can I have a separate cell?" Natsu asked.

The replica stared at Natsu. "Don't go agreeing with what he's saying Natsu- I mean, I am Natsu Dragneel!"

"No" the man replied. Natsu sighed and nodded.

-In the cell-

Erza glared at Natsu's back. "I was only trying to help, you could at least speak to me" Erza spat after the long awkward silence they were having since they were thrown into this cell.

Natsu ran a hand through his hair and growled. He turned around quickly and glared at Erza. "That was no help!" He whisper-shouted. "This trial was only a formality".

"Huh?" Erza tilted her head to the side. "What are you trying to say?".

Natsu groaned and ran a hand over the right side of his face. "This trial was only to show all the magic users that if you broke any laws you would be punished. It's just the Councils way of showing that they still redeem order in the magic world."

Now Erza felt stupid. She should've known.

"So, this was all for show?" She sighed. Natsu grunted in response.

"They probably would have found me guilty without any real punishment. But thanks to you and you're rampage..." his eyes shot up and gave a piercing glare toward Erza with an irk mark appearing over his head. "I'm stuck in a jail cell!".

Erza shivered and yelped slightly. Natsu turned around again and stared at the window at the back of the cell.

"Geez" Natsu sighed. Erza scowled At the floor in utter disbelief.

"I'm... I'm sorry" she finally said. "I wasn't considering what might happen".

Natsu sighed. "It's fine. No ones ever done something like that for me, or at least tried" Natsu relaxed. Erza's tense shoulders seemed relaxed also and she lowered her gaze at the floor a bit.

"I appreciate it" Natsu finally confessed. Erza had a tint of pink on her cheeks but ignored it. She stared at him for a little but then leaned against the wall and sighed.



Siegrain was staring out the window of his office.

"It won't be too long now... Natsu" he whispered to himself and looked back at the crystal orb in his hands where he could see the dragon prince staring out the window.

"Not long indeed"

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