The Warrent.

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Skies POV

"You have an active warrant also" the judge said "what warrant" I said raising my eyebrows "drag racing in the state of New york" the judge said "I've served time for that" I said calmly. "How long" she asked "2 years" I said. She typed something "i just sent an email if your lieing to me I'll put another warrant out for your arrest" she said "Yes ma'am" I said

"Court dismissed" she said snacking her hammer down. I went and hugged arnica "I'm a free nigga" I said "I thought they were gonna lock you up for a minute" Arianna said. "So did i" I said "come on " I said we walked out of the court house and got in the car "we should prank Arnica and manny" I said as I turned the music down

"How" Arianna said "tell them I got locked up" I said "ouu" she said as she grabbed her phone.


*crying and talking fast* arnica they locked kimetrius and I dont no what to do.

They locked him up?? for what didnt you show them the video?? What the fuck MANNY they locked up skies

They wouldn't let me and he had another warrant.

Arnica❤ Manny❤:

They got my nigga??

Yes they have him 2 years

Wya rn

On my way to your house

alright hurry up be careful tho.


She hung up the phone and I high fives her "you played that off so well" I said. "Ik" she said.i pulled up to arnica's house and she got out and I ducked down.

Ariannas POV.

I started fake crying as I walked into the house manny caught eye contact with me and got up and hugged me "I'm sorry sis" he said  arnica came over holding Kehlani and hugged me "its ok" she said I wiped my face "it's not gonna be the same without him" I said "ik ik " arnica said. "Come sit down" manny said "where are the kids" I asked.

"Hezo came and got them" manny said "ok" I said sitting down. I pulled my phone out and texted skies telling him to come inside. I shut my phone off and hid my face in my hands I heard the door open "awe you fucking bitch" manny said I looked at him and laughed. "Skies" arnica said "it's a prank" skies said plopping down on the couch next to me "now give me my niece" does said putting hand sanitizer on his hands.

Arnica gave Kehlani to skies and skies played with her. I've been talking to Josiah alot and he invited me out to the mall a few minutes ago but ion no if kids is gonna let me go "aye" I said looking at skies "what" he said "I'm bout to go to the mall with Josiah" I said "for" he said looking away from Kehlani "ion no just to hang out" I said "ok have fun" he said smiling.

I leaned over and gave him a kiss "keys" he said handing them to me "thank you" I said I walked out and got into the car. I started and and drove to Josiahs house I honked 3 times and him and Montana came out josiahs mouth dropped when he seen me I smiled and he came and got in the car and Montana got in his.

"You qint tell me you was balling like this" he said putting hi seat belt on" I laughed "where we going" i said "mall i gotta get some stuff" he said "ight bet"i said pulling out of the drive way

That one hood nigga (lil Skies)Where stories live. Discover now