c h a p t e r e i g h t

Start from the beginning

There were so little and so much I wanted to say.

So much it felt like nothing.

A sob escaped my mouth.

The first tears escaped my eyes, the tears that I haven't shed when my life was falling apart.

The tears from the first time he did something weird to me.

The tears that I tried so hard to ignore.

Mrs. Black brought me to her embrace.

She rubbed my back while letting me cry into her shoulders.

All my anger, pain, confusion, stress, came out in the form of tears.

The salt water welled in my eyes, overflowing the bowl.

" I'm s-sorry," I whimpered out.

" Shhh, cry it out, sweetheart." Mrs. Black cooed in my ear.

The barrier that was built around my emotions was destroyed, tarnished and broken down.

My tears slowed down, leaving me in a hiccuping mess.

I could already imagine myself with a red nose, a sticky face, and swollen eyes.

I picked myself up and sat parallel to Mrs. Black.

I let out a breath.

Mrs. Black's lips formed into a soft smile.

" Are you feeling better?" She asked.

I nodded and put a regretful tight-lipped smile.

" Sorry for having to take care of a mess I am right now."

She shook her head slowly.

" Don't apologize for that, Aria," she said.

I smiled.

We said our goodbyes and I went to my car.

The sun was already setting, and the cool breeze hugged my body.

I drove out of the parking lot and started driving to my house.

I saw the familiar building that I called home, the lights were still on from my go out.

I walked to the door and opened it.

I locked it behind me.

I slid down the length of it.

Today... was crazy.

But I came out of it alive.

Barely breathing, but still alive.

I stood up from the floor and put my backpack on the glass desk in the entrance.

I tossed a piece of my hair on the other side.

I looked in the mirror, the one above the glass top.

I looked like I needed a good self-care time.

I turn my head around and found the two arrows pointing at 5:30.

Ok.. if I calculated correctly, I got three hours before Dad comes back.

I went into my room and took a long hot shower.

And enjoyed every second of it.

I changed into grey sweatpants with an oversized sweater that had cupcakes are muffins who believed in miracles written on it.

I made myself dinner, plopped a mask on my face and turned on the tv.

After browsing for some chick-flicks and not finding one that I wanted to watch, I decided to put on a movie I have already watched.

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