"I don't know who you think you are, but you need help and I'm whiling to be there for you... just if you let me".
They don't like each other but they'll have to be together since one of their friends wants them to get along, so just for that he's g...
Zuho and you are at your place; during the time you've been here, you ate together some good food and played music while talking about school stuff. You haven't said a word to him about what happened with Jasmine and Hyuna today, you prefer to leave that aside and just forget that it even happened.
-Are you planning anything this weekend? – Zuho asked while looking at his phone.
-I am – You nodded. -This apartment needs some changes, so I'll probably going to paint the walls and change some furniture – You added while looking around.
-And do you already know what you want? – He asked, almost looking not interested at all.
-Yes, I saved the pictures in my boards of Pinterest – You said proudly. -I'll tell Hana and Inseong to come, after all, they look to like each other a lot – You smiled to yourself.
-*Sigh* they do – Zuho said as he kept scrolling down his phone.
-What are you watching? – You asked curiously.
-Nothing, just that Jaeyoon-hyung is planning another party – Zuho chuckled.
-You are talking with him, right? – You questioned.
-Through the group chat of SF9, so actually, I'm talking with everyone – Zuho said.
-Oh, and when it's the party? – You asked.
-They want to do it tonight, but I honestly don't think is a good thing to do parties that often – Zuho said a bit concerned.
-Hmm, today is Tuesday so you might have a point there – You said thoughtfully. -But we can still go – You smiled.
-D-Do you want to go? – He asked surprised.
-Yeah, why not? – You asked.
-I thought you had other plans – Zuho said.
-No, even if I had, I know that all the girls will go there – You said. -So, it'll be better if I join the party – You smiled.
-And do you want me to go? – Zuho asked curiously.
-If you want to, I mean, you should since they are inviting you – You told. -Unless you don't want to go and you want to stay here with me – You said a bit shyly.
-Here, with you? – He asked confused.
-Yeah, what's the matter with that? – You questioned a bit embarrassed.
-I thought you didn't like my company – Zuho teased.
-Yah! We always annoy each other, so I already got used to it – You said while looking away from him.