sixty seven

551 15 2

"We can never truly get over a loss, but we can move forward and evolve from it."


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"Michonne. What do we do?" I whispered, my voice nearly breaking because of all the emotions running through me. There are humans dressed as walkers, and one of our own was just killed.

"You die now," a whisper was heard from what sounded like no one. It just came through the fog and spread around us like a disease, chilling my bones and sending everyone into a panic, seeing if they could pinpoint the real human. Daryl's dog barked furiously, not knowing either.

"Go. Now," Michonne ordered, and I dropped to my knees to begin helping Aaron pull Jesus over his shoulder. Daryl and Michonne fought the herd, and Yumiko sent an arrow flying into someone about to attack.

"Go. I'll cover you," Michonne ordered to us, and I sent one more arrow flying before Daryl pulled me by my hand through the gate and away from the graveyard.


I hastily followed after 'dog' —which I newly named Archer for obvious reasons—in which I was followed by Yumiko and Magna, one of them carrying a skin mask, Michonne helping a limping Eugene, and a deceased Jesus held up by Aaron and Daryl.

"Who the hell would do this? Even think about doing this?" Yumiko questioned while looking around frantically.

The sun had risen now, and I was wiping the sweat off my face, the constant moving making me overheat.

"I suspect some vessel filled with a chunky salsa of abnormal impulses and metastasized rage," Eugene said while bouncing on one foot to keep up.

"It's full-on batshit," Magna piped in, and I nodded, trying to keep up with the group.

"You think there's more?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah," Daryl nodded.

"There has to be," I concluded, and Daryl and Aaron looked at me, not knowing what was to come next.

"So, what do we do?" Yumiko asked, and I stayed on high alert, looking in every direction.

This wasn't something that I had ever expected to happen. Sure, throw a zombie apocalypse at me, maybe even kill some people I love, but humans dressed as walkers? I could never have dreamt of this.

"Right now, keep moving," Michonne instructed, and we all moved as fast as we could to get the hell away from whatever was coming.

We eventually slowed down, feeling that we were far enough away to slow our pace.

I walked with Daryl and Michonne, keeping an eye on Archer, who sniffed the ground in front of us.

"Judith found them. Vouched for 'em. So do I," Michonne spoke up, noticing Daryl looking cautiously at the two new members of our group.

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