Chapter 3: Daddy Issues (2/2)

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Original: 1269 words

New: 1913 Words on Google Docs/1903 words on Wattpad

Rewritten: June 21, 2019



There was something about that kiss that literally took my breath away for the moment. When he pulled back, we just stared at each other for a moment, before he kissed me again, and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. His lips were so soft and he was just so gently with it. I felt his hand tightened around my neck, which made me come back to reality immediately.

This isn't right.

I pulled back quickly and removed his hand, processing what just occurred.

"I should go to sleep. Sorry."


"Me and you both know this shouldn't have happened."

"That's not what I was about to say-"

"Well let's leave it at that." I stated.


Before he could finish his sentence, I quickly made my way to my room and closed the door behind me, my heart racing and my head spinning.

That was way too quick for a first day.

I face palmed myself, embarrassed of what just occurred. I should have not done that, and I should have not kissed him, especially after what Diggy just pulled.

"The fuck." I mumbled to myself and sighed deeply, removing my clothes to get some sleep. This was something that was gonna be stuck in my head and I'm surely debating on if I should really tell my dad about my stepfather. Either way, telling him might slow some things down between us. I'm such an idiot for letting this happening- no I'm not taking the blame for all of this, but whatever at this point.

Slipping on a simple shirt, I crawled into bed and tucked myself under the covers, hearing footsteps walk in front of my door. I looked at the door, seeing an envelope slide under and the footsteps walked away down the hallway. I decided to just stay in bed and check the note or whatever it is in the morning. Maybe I'll feel a little better afterward about this little incident.


8:30 AM

"Wakey wakey sleepy head."

I heard a smooth voice in my ear, along with hands trailing down the side of my face as I was bundled up in the covers.

I pushed that person away, and place my head under the covers, not really wanting to get up, just yet. Peace and quiet in the morning when you wake up is everything in my book.

"Get yo ass up!"

I felt a hard hand come slamming down right on the back of my ass, causing me to shoot my eyes and sit up in bed to look to who that was.

"What the fuck Chris?!"

I sat up and threw my pillows right at him as he laughed and also hearing my mom running down the hallway and peak into my room.

"WATCH your tone and language. You're not grown." She said, pointing at me, giving me a stern look before leave out and I huffed, seeing a smirk written all over his face,

"Why are you even in my room?"

"Ah ah ah." He shook his head. "You heard her, watch your tone when talking to me."

In Love With My Stepfather: Chris Brown  (Book 1)  *REVAMPING IN PROCESS*Where stories live. Discover now