Chapter 6

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John woke up to a pair of dark eyes staring at him, a three-foot-long sword by his neck.

"What the hell!" He jumped up. The boy before him had pale olive skin and ink black hair, and reeked of death? Was that even possible?

"Who are you?" The boy asked forcefully, pressing the blade harder into his skin.

"I'm John!" John raised his hand in surrender. "I come in peace!"

"What are you doing here?" The boy said quietly, dangerously. John gulped. Even if he wanted to use his powers, he couldn't. The guy before him was not using his ability, so he couldn't mimic it.

"I was assigned here," John explained nervously.

"But you're not a son of Hades?" The boy questioned, sheathing his sword. John let out a breath of relief.

"Nah, me and the other new kids are not even demigods."

The boy's eyebrows rose. "Really? Pray tell then. It seems like an interesting story."

John had to refrain from scoffing. "I've told you enough. You must be the only son of Hades. Chiron told me about you." You sure look like a poster boy for a Son of Hades, all brooding and dressed in black.

"That's nice. I hope he said good things. I'm Nico by the way. Nico di Angelo." The boy introduced.

"Nice to meet you," John said, smiling. "I haven't seen such a sword like yours before. Where did you get it?" John tried for a conversation.

"Somewhere," Nico said shortly.

John winced awkwardly. ""

Nico whirled around to face him. "You said that you and the other new kids were not demigods...who are the others? Where did you come from?"

"I can't tell you," John said simply.

Nico's dark eyes penetrated into his soul. "Then how would I know if you and the others are a threat to us demigods?"

"Chiron will vouch for us," John said quickly. "You can ask him, and if he gives me permission to tell you, than I will."

Nico knew it was none of his business. But what if he was a threat? He wasn't a demigod, and he couldn't be a mortal who could see through the mist, because Chiron had more sense than to let them come in and stay in Hades cabin.

"Fine, I will ask Chiron," He said, and shadow travelled to the Big House, leaving John staring at him in shock.

The shadows around him parted as he stepped out of them, approaching Chiron who was currently looking through a thick book of who knows what. "Chiron..." he called out to the centaur.

Chiron looked up and smiled up at him, closing his book. "Nico, welcome back to Camp Half-Blood. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Nico opened his mouth, but a voice cut him. "Oh, he wants to know where we're from. Can I tell him?" John asked, leaning against the wall coolly.

"How did you get here so fast?" Nico narrowed his eyes in distrust.

John smiled at him infuriatingly. "I have my ways." Nico felt like punching him.

Chiron nodded, smiling. "Yes, Nico can be trusted. He kept the Greek and Roman camps from each other for so long-he can keep a secret."

"Really..." John huffed childishly. "Whatever. Fine."

Nico crossed his arms and tapped his foot against the ground impatiently.

"How about you tell him back in your cabin?" Chiron suggested, trotting away. "Others might hear here."

"True," agreed Nico and John in unison, then glared at each other.

Back at the Hades cabin, John plunked heavily onto his bed. "Me and the others..."

"Who others? I've only been here for a few hours, I've yet to meet them."

John gritted his teeth. "There's Arlo, Sera, Remi, Elaine, Isen and Blyke."

"As I was saying," continued John. "We're from another world."

"What?" Nico gaped in shock. "Another world?"

Roman and Greek was already a surprise, but a whole 'nother world. Wow.

John chatted on as though he had said something perfectly normal. "We come from a world where most people have powers, which are ranked from 1 to 10. People with an ability level of 1 is a cripple, with no powers. From 1 to 1.9 is the low-tiers, 2 to 3.4 the mid-tiers, 3.5 to 4.9 the elite-tiers, and those with an ability level of 5 is a high-tier, and a subcategory for 6 and above, they're god-tiers."

"We all come from Wellston Private High School, which is top in Turf Wars, a sort of battle between schools. In all schools, there are the Royals. The Ace, King, Queen, Jack and the Healer."

Nico listened attentively, interest shining in his dark eyes. "So...what tier are you?"

John ducked his head down, hair pressed against his head with the suppressing weight of his hair gel. "I'm a cripple."

Nico burst out laughing. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am!" retorted John.

"No way," Nico smirked. "If you're a cripple, I'll eat my hat."

"You don't have a hat," John pointed out.


John rolled his eyes.

"When one activates their abilities, their eyes will glow, and that's a clear sign to stay away. Unless you have a death wish. Although most people don't have the power to kill." John rattled on, not wanting to dwell on the topic of him (not)being a cripple.

"We were sent here by our Headmaster, who is old friends with Chiron, and were to help clear up the mess after the wars."

"And would your Headmaster sent a cripple?" Nico challenged.

"Yes," John shot back. "In this world, majority are cripples, and I have the experience to deal with it."

Nico slumped onto his bed, blowing a frustrated breath. "I'll let it go...for now. But I still don't trust you."

"That's great!" John cheered sarcastically.

"Whatever, cripple," Nico taunted as he disappeared in a whirl of shadows.

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