"She didn't have to, we figured it out," Grey tells him as he broadens his form.

The damn sweat continuously falls down my forehead dripping off my chin. I swipe it off as I feel my eyes lazily close and open while I watch the room spin around me.

As if on autopilot my breath quickens and becomes short pants. I furrow my eyebrows growing concerned with how my body is suddenly acting. Almost feeling like my throat is closing slowly.

I feel myself sway as I swallow the lump forming in my throat.

My eyes start to close without my consent as my legs wobble with weakness.

What's happening?

"Grey-s-son," I stutter as my legs can't hold me and I fall forward.

My vision going black.

Greyson's POV~

"Grey-s-son," Willa whispers quietly behind me making my attention instantly draw to her.

Though when I turn around I see a very pale, and sweat ridden-almost unrecognizable girl-falling to the ground.

Before she connects to the ground I speed to her catching her head carefully, lowering her to the ground slowly as I follow.

She's unconscious though her breaths come out rigid and fast. I watch as Willa creates small pants like she has just got done running.

Her face pale as a ghost with dark circles surrounding her eyes. All of the wounds I dressed this morning soaking in the black blood pouring out of them.

"Man, she doesn't look too well." Jared snorts. Instantly everyone growls as Seb makes a break for it.

He instantly shoves him against the cell's wall grabbing him by his throat. "What did you do to her," he grinds out between his teeth.

Jared shrugs smirking down to Willa, as I push back her sweat ridden hair. "Eh, not much." He grins. "You know, just poisoned her blood."

Seb smashes his head hard against the wall as my blood starts boiling.

Good thing I'm taking care of Willa or he'd be dead by now.

Jared cringes but still smirks. "Heal her," I grind out between my teeth as Willa's face gets more pale as the minutes go by.

"Come on now, what's the fun in that?" Jared says deviously.

In just one second I lightly place Willa's head on the ground and sprint to Jared, pushing Seb out of the way.

I grip his neck tightly in my hand as my eyes shine their bright yellow. "How do I heal her!" I scream as my fangs rip out of my gums. My nails quickly growing into claws piercing the skin on his neck.

Jared laughs in my face as I see Koda run to Willa behind me. He quickly makes sure that she's still breathing and alive.

Willa can't die. She just can't.

"Tell me how to heal her or I swear-"

"You swear what? That you'll kill me? No, not that because then you'd never know how to reverse the Umbra's effect," he spits. His satanic grin never leaving his face.

I huff out growls as I search his face, searching my own mind on what to do.

For her I'd do anything, give up anything.

This can't be her time. She can't die from Jared.

I would never forgive myself.

So that's what I'm going to do, give up everything.

Alpha's Little LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora