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Aria's Journal
January, 2013
Day 1 in Japan

I get along really well with Watanabe's family!!

Turns out this family an hardcore fans of Big Bang like me, even they have a special room in which contains of many Big Bang's merchandise! It's just so cool, isn't it?

And the coolest part is, they always turns the music player on every dinner time. Of course it was playing Big Bang's song! Imagine having a dinner accompanied by the melodious voice of The Kings without being COMPLAINED by people in the house. It's heaven.

(I hope Mr. and Mrs. Watanabe want to adopt me as their third children. Because my parents are suck. They don't even let me to play music aloud from my room. Boo!)

And today, Mrs. Watanabe make a very delicious Suki for me because she knew I really needed some boiled food to warm me up from this fucking kind of weather. I mean, how everyone could survive from winter ughhh.

But it's okay, I had eaten the Suki and it was enough for me. I wish Mrs. Watanabe made it everyday or at least twice in a week as long as it's still a winter. Wait, are the ingredients for Suki expensive?

Uhm, well. Once a week is enough then!


Present Day

"Aria-chan, please take the meat!" said Otoosan while putting a meat in my rice bowl.

I was eating Suki for dinner with Watanabe Family. I remembered when I was just arrived in the house 6 years ago, we ate Suki too. And the music player was playing Big Bang's music as well, but this time it was 'Last Dance' song instead of 'Blue' song. I smiled gleefully because of feeling nostalgic.

"Hai, thank you Otoosan!" I said cheerfully.

"Haruto-kun, don't eat the meat only!" Okaasan shouted to Haruto, who was constantly taking and eating the meat from the pot.

"I need a lot of meat because I'm growing, Haha." Haruto defended his self.

"Well, if you continue eat the meat like that, I guess you would be fatting, not growing." I quipped him.

Haruto smirked. "It would be impossible because I always work out to maintain my body nowadays, Aria-chan!" he bragged.

"Wow, look at you, being so arrogant and all since you've been an idol." I commented. Then, I was leaning closer to Airi-chan, who was eating besides me. "Your brother's annoying, isn't it, Airi-chan?" I whispered to her.

Airi-chan giggled. "Yeah, he's been more annoying than before ever since." she whispered back.

"Hey! What are you two talking about me?" Haruto interrupted.

I embraced Airi-chan's shoulder. "She said she prefer me as her sibling." I said.

Haruto gasped and he gripped his chest, acting like he was feeling very hurt. "Airi-chan, I thought you love me."

Airi-chan sticked her tongue out. "But our name is similar, so she's more suitable for being my sibling! Airi and Aria. It's cute, right?"

Husky Boy (Haruto Treasure Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt