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I woke up early as the ride from here to New York is going to be long. I packed my suit and some of my belongings I didn't have much so it all fitted in one bag. I barely got any sleep last night due to those fucking dreams. Anyway my mission is to act like I'm a sweet girl from Uk and I want to join the team which should be easy. however the hard part is to gain their trust. I'll find a way I always do. It pisses me off to know I have to be nice to the avengers I mean they are the worst people ever who have killed thousands of people. Even though I'm stuck at Hydra being tortured I still prefer it than working for the bad guys. Not like I got a choice though.

The ride to NYC was long and uneventful as I had to catch several different planes so no one will suspect anything. The whole way I was mentally preparing myself for what I will say as this is very important. I can't fuck this up because if I do not only will it cost my life but also cost so many other lives. I can't lie though NY is beautiful the tall skyscrapers made my jaw drop in awe and as painful as it is for me to admit it that includes the Avengers tower. The place had so much crazy fucking technology not to mention how fancy it was so much better than Hydra. I guess I'm so shocked as it has been 7 years since I. have left the Hydra facility in Russia so all of this is new to me.

I approached the receptionist with the biggest smile and asked her where the avengers were. She gave me the most awful look ever and asked why? Bitch I thought. I told her it was urgent but she said they weren't here. I guess I have to find them myself. No such thing as good help nowadays! So I used my telepathic skills and read the avengers minds it turns out they were in the middle of a fight so I decided I such help. As much as it disgusts me to help them I decided I will as I have to show them I am on their side.

I teleported to them which turns out they were in the middle of the woods. I was in the middle of a war as everywhere I looked e everyone was fighting. It was quite obvious the avengers were loosing so with a sigh I used my powers to fight them. I saw two men surrounding captain America so I decided to help I grabbed the man behind him and punched him in his stomach. He tried to put me in a headlock but I teleported behind him then I created a small ice knife and stabbed him. I moved on to my next victim and repeated using combat or my powers. At the end most of the soldiers were dead or passed out.I thought we had defeated them all but then I saw a man pointing a gun at Tony so I used the wind to blow the gun out of his hand and hit him on his head.

All the Avengers stared at me in shock or confusion which made me roll my eyes. Tony aimed his hand up to me and the rest followed.

"geez this is what I get for saving your asses"I said with a hmph.

"who are you" said Steve in a demanding voice.

"wouldn't you like to know"I said with a scowl. Making Tony laugh. I rolled my eyes at their stupidity and shot glares at all of the Avengers.

"You are coming with us" said Black Widow. I rolled my eyes as they handcuffed me. They are so fucking ungrateful I thought. They really are dum to think this will stop me from escaping. I sighed for the hundredth time today wishing I didn't have to do this annoying mission. Life sucks!

A/N What do you guys think? please let me know in the comments below I hope you are enjoying it as it is my first book.Peter will be here soon.

                                ~peace ✌🏼 Rylie

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