A King Among Queens.

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Link was shaky. No one in the entire Palace could blame him, he had just witnessed his entire family die. It was a good thing Zelda was there, she held in her arms as he wept. When his voice became so hoarse, he looked up at Urbosa who had replaced the ThunderHelm on the pillar and looked over at him worriedly.

Link got up and faced Urbosa, a fury in his eyes. Urbosa immediately got on her knees and bowed her head in respect.

"The ThunderHelm deems you worthy of the Gerudo royalty. All hail Link, King of the Gerudo!" As Urbosa said this, the rest of the guards in the throne room bowed and chanted in unison.

"All hail Link, King of the Gerudo!"

Link was still baffled as to the fact they thought him King. Urbosa got up and politely pushed Link to the throne. Link waited for the guards to stop chanting before he began to protest.

"Wait! I don't want to be King! I can't be King!" Link honestly didn't want for anyone to make a fuss over him, he was used to a humble life. Yes he did want respect and loyalty, but he didn't want people to worship him just because of his blood. He believed that a man was defined by his actions, not his heritage. And the way the Gerudo looked at him, they were terrified. Why?

"Urbosa, help" he gestured to the guards who still chanted.

Urbosa slammed her foot down on the hard stone and the whole room silenced. "The King must speak!"

Link looked back at Zelda who, like himself, looked worried.

"I can't be King!" Link's voice quivered. Urbosa moved next to the throne and stood upright, taking her position as second in command. Link felt a twinge of guilt as he watched her move. She had ruled over the Gerudo all her life and had the respect of the people. She brought peace among the Gerudo and the Hylians. And Link had just strutted up and taken away her throne. At the first opportunity he got, he would give up his throne and give control back to her. The only thing was that the Gerudo laws were different from Hylian laws... One simply couldn't just give away the throne...


Urbosa and Link had been in conference nearly all day and all night just to establish weather or not Link could abdicate his throne.

"Gerudo laws specify that any Gerudo ruler must create his own legacy and tale before they abdicate their claim to the throne." Urbosa was reading from the ancient Gerudo texts. They had been brought up from the dusty old catacombs that resided under the entire City. The parchment was delicate and had to be handled with care.

"How does, first Hylian Gerudo King, sound?" Link joked.

Urbosa chuckled and then yawned. It was incredibly late, Zelda had already fallen asleep on Urbosa's bed because they had decided to take the meeting in her private chambers. Link knew that Urbosa was similarly tired and so Link ended their conference for that day.

Link started for the stairs, leading to his guest chambers when Urbosa put her hand on his shoulder. She pointed to her own bed, which Zelda was still fast asleep on. Link looked confused, maybe she wanted him to carry Zelda.

"This is the royal chambers, meant only for the cheiftains and Kings" she gestured to her former room again, before she went down the stairs herself, heading towards the guest bedrooms. Again, Link felt guilty.

Moving back into the room he smiled at the sleeping Princess. He didn't want to wake her so he scooped her up in his arms and placed her down, draping the covers over her. Then he settled himself down into the bed next to her. Subconsciously, Zelda snuggled closer to Link as a gust of cold wind blew in from the balcony. Link wrapped his arm around her and drifted off to sleep.


"My King! Wake up!" Link and Zelda jumped awake as a guard ran in.

Zelda quickly untangled herself from Link's embrace so as not to alarm the guard. The Gerudo came running up and gasped for breath.

"My King! It's the Yiga Clan!"

Oh no... He would not surcome to the same fate his family had... Link bolted out of bed, strapped the Mastersword to his back and grabbed Urbosa's sheild. He would break the cycle...

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