Chapter Ten: Living a New Life

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As much as the others hate the idea of her, an enemy, being around, Koeun was more affected by it. Falling into the enemy's hands was not what she wanted. She thought she was just doing her mission in apprehending them but now, she caused herself to be held hostage by these criminals. Being under their radar meant it wouldn't be easy to escape from them.

Both sides shared mutual feelings about the situation. Keeping her in the X-Force would most likely to lead to their group's downfall, but they know they couldn't oppose Mark. He was the current leader after all. And they didn't have a choice but to follow his orders.

When Koeun had woken up from her long sleep, streaks of sunlight were already streaming down her face. She squinted her swollen eyes at this before making a few blinks to adjust her vision.

Last night, she had been enraged, crying herself to sleep as she hoped for Lucas and her teammates to come and save her as soon as possible. She couldn't bear being with seven dangerous strangers, even when she had only spent hours with them. How much more if these hours turned to days, weeks, months, or worse— a year?

Finally, she regained her vision but she already wasn't in a cheerful mood. Who wouldn't be, after being taken away into a location she had no idea where? Still, she couldn't complain about it further since the blame was mostly on her.

Koeun could only scoff at the thought.

When she finally had the strength, Koeun decided to push herself up from the bed, only to feel something unusual. Her eyes caught sight of the unfamiliar sheets of the bed. Her hands felt its cottony softness, indicating it had good quality.

Slightly frowning in confusion, she thought, this is new.

That was when she noticed the room she was in. Her eyes wandered around, looking at everything that was in it. The walls were beige and painted with white feathers. The room was complete with types of furniture, unlike the room she was in the last time she remembered. The open windows weren't broken and had white curtains that billowed in the wind.

It was no way near the other rooms in that abandoned cabin. 

Where am I? She thought again. How did I get here?

The ambiance made her feel calm and safe, but she knew her situation was far from that. This led her to think of it as one of their tricks in their sleeves.

If they think they can beguile me with an expensive room like this, they're wrong.

Koeun reached the point of realization and decided what she had to do.

I have to get out of here.

She quickly pulled the covers off of her, scrambled on the bed until both her feet touched the warm floor, and pushed herself to jog towards the white wooden door. She pressed her ear against it first and waited for a short moment, trying to hear if someone was outside.

It's quiet.

Removing her ear from the door, her hand grasped unto the knob, but before she could open it, she let out a small breath.

Maybe this is a trap. But she also knew that there was only one way to find out.

Koeun found herself slowly twisting the knob until she heard it click. Then, she carefully opened the door, avoiding to create any noise and poked her head out.

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