chapter 5

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I woke up this morning with a huge headache it was worse than usual. I groaned and opened my eyes.Logan wasn't here so that means he was already up. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. On the counter there was a glass of water and some pills. After I took the pill I took a shower and got dressed. I was in the shower for like an hour before I decided to come out. I put on a purple sun dress with white sandles. I went to Logans office to see if he was in there. When I came to the door there were moans of pleasure. I opened the door to see that Katie was in there with a boy with her legs wrapped around him making out. His hands were on her but and was squeezing it. "KATIE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING. GET OVER HERE NOW. AND YOU GET OUT NOW." I yelled at them in a tone i didn't even know i had it was like an Alpha tone but dare I say more powerful more intimidating. Katie instantly got off him and the boy jumped out the window. Katie was shaking with fear I guess my tone was powerful. "Katie what were you doing huh your 16 you will find your mate soon and you dont want to have had sucked faces with all the boys at school that would be a bad impression on your mate okay. im not going to tell anyone else about this okay keep it between me and you."  I said in a calm motherly voice. "I got rejected today." she sobbed. I grabbed her and hugged her and whispered soothing things in her ear. Then Logan came in and mothed whats wrong with her. I mothed back tell you later. He nodedd and left. "Hey Katie how about this you me and Jade go out on a all girls day we go to the mall the spa anywhere that will make you feel like the princess you are okay" I said to her once I tell Logan someone will die. She nodedd and smiled. I wipped the tears off her face and said "Be ready in a hour oh and I got rejected to I know what it feels like but Im here to help." She then said" That kiss was a dare by the way."  i smiled and nodedd then left the room. I went downstairs to see Brittany and her group of friends. A vision came into veiw it was the party Brittany was coughing up blood and I was making that happen then  Logan stopped me from killing her and I fainted. The vision stopped and Logan was waving a hand in my face. I blinked a couple of times before I finally came back. " I almost killed Brittany with a unknown power" I chocked out not that I like Brittany it just means I'm unstable. Logan took a step twords me and I took one back "stay away I could hurt you and thats not wha-" I was cut off bye his lips on mine. Well theres a way to shut me up. When he pulled apart he said "I trust you because I love you" I nodedd and we started walking in the kitchen and pass Brittany when some one grabbed my arm it was Brittany she was trying to look angry but she was scared as hell. "I'm not done with you you stole my boyfriend and you will go down." my wolf took over i tried but I couldn't stop her. Logan couldnt even calm me down. By the time I was done Brittany was on the ground with bruises gasping for air and crying. I simply walked into the kitchen still very tense 'what the hell was that' I yelled at my wolf she whimpered back and said 'well she got me mad and those powers are your sisters powers she's either dying or trying to reach out to you.'  'so do i get to keep them either way wait i dont have a sister.' i said confused 'yes you do those people that abused you arent your real family you are a royal and they are loking for you she will find you soon enough trust me you will be home.' my wolf said then cut off the connection.

THE ONE YOU REJECTED IS REJECTING YOU (under construction)Where stories live. Discover now