Chapter 6 - Hell breaks out

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Something I wouldn't lie, I was proud of..

Malachai was continuously trying to feel around me while his business men asked me questions, they weren't appropriate and I won't lie they made me feel very uncomfortable considering the age gap, I mean I'm only 17 and they look about 30. I felt like I was being watched by my every move.

"McKenzie, how long have you been working here and when do you get off work?" One man laughed a sickening laugh, something that made my skin crawl and my stomach churn, I watched as the new girl walked past and had a look of fear for me on her face. Something I shuck off and went back to my happy place in my head and ignored the comments mostly but answering as sweetly as possible.

"I've worked here for 11 years" I said simply as Malachai made a move for my thigh which I slapped away and gave him a warning look, in my eleven years I made it very clear that I wasn't to be touched and that if they did there would most definitely be consequences, no matter who it was.

He moved his hand away and gave me a look of hurt one I replied to with a simple smirk of victory, he knew my deal and he knew what would happen if he carried on or so I thought.

Through out the night he carried on drinking, smoking and trying over and over to meet the same response until I had had enough. I consider myself a good person and one with a long temper meaning, it would take me awhile to get mad but currently he was pushing every button I had and the ones that went against the contract we had. So I had the idea to remind him the next time he tried anything.

A reminder that wasn't so polite.

I carried on talking and flirting with the men, something Adeline did for days she made it seem so easy but it wasn't, I hated this and the language they used to try and objectify me, god they were going to meet a cruel end if they didn't turned lightly just like Malachai, he still hadn't got the message and I was about to make it very clearly. He made a move for my face by grabbing it and pulling me close to him, this was my snapping point, the moment I was proud of.

I grabbed him hand rather forcefully and slammed it down on the table, the look of disgust filled his eyes and he was about to yell I could see it coming but I didn't care, I said bring it on, I smirked at him.

"Get off me, you little bitch" he screamed at me trying to get loose not realising the plan I had in mind for him, I didn't think about my actions. I wanted to revenge for the breaking of the contract, so I did what I did best, I sent a message even this idiot could understand.

"Remember no touching" I said in a painfully sweet voice while he turned to me and looked me in the eyes before I made my move. I had pick pocket the men on my way round and they were carrying knifes, nothing too big just standard flip knifes so I grabbed one and before he found move I sent it though his hand and into the table.

"Do I make myself clear?" I asked ignoring the scream of agony, this was the me people called a Baddass, I never considered myself one but I guess some people did, I hadn't heard the answer I wanted so I sent another knife through his hand. "I said do I make myself clear?" The groan of pain made my smirk grow and since he didn't give back my response, I sent the knifes through more and more and dug them further in.

His screams filled the air and the room, everyone had a look of shock and many people moved away from me and Malachai. I picked myself up and walked out of the club and jumped on my bike, waiting for the fun to unfold and Penny to yell at me but this was his fault not mine sweetheart.

I got on my bike and made my way home, tonight the night was young and peaceful, I made my way to my house before I got a text from Cheryl Blossom.

Cheryl: Party At Archie's, tomorrow night. Be there and bring friends.

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