Aik? Mana artikel tadi? Dah kena take down ke?

Puas Lisa mencari namun tiada artikel yang dibaca nya tadi.

"ARGH!" Lisa membaling cushion kecil ke lantai.


Charity Dinner, Key Company

Afif hanya duduk sendirian di meja bersama segelas jus oren. Tidak mampu dia untuk bercakap dengan tetamu yang hadir ke majlis itu. Dia penat. Maunya tak penat, sebaik sampai di New York, dia terus bersiap untuk menghadirkan diri ke dinner ini. Perjalanan yang memakan masa 20 jam itu buat separuh tenaganya hilang. Dalam kepalanya ini hanya ada istilah katil.

Haaa aku nak tidur...

Afif melihat jam di telefonnya. 7.30 malam.

Kat Malaysia baru pukul 8.30 pagi. Nantilah aku mesej dia.

Afif meneguk air dari gelasnya.

"Excuse me, you are Mr Afif Ryan from MONX Holdings right?" soal seorang wanita. Afif memandang wanita itu.

"Yeah." Jawab Afif. Wanita itu terus senyum dan tanpa segan silu terus menarik kerusi untuk duduk di sebelah Afif.

"Whoa finally I got to meet the most charming man in business world. Oh I forgot. I'm Stephanie White. Nice to meet you." Stephanie menghulurkan tangannya. Afif hanya senyum.

"Nice to meet you too, Miss White." Melihat respon Afif, Stephanie menarik semula tanganya.

"Looks like the rumour about you is true."

"Which rumour?" soal Afif.

Aih ada rumour lain yang aku tak tahu ke...

"The rumour about you not shaking hands with opposite gender." Stephanie duduk silang kaki. Afif ketawa kecil.

"Well I can say that I kinda a religious man." Jawab Afif.

Stephanie ketawa.

"You got nice humor sense."

Afif memandang Stephanie. I'm not joking tho... desis Afif. Namun dia sekadar senyum paksa melihat respon Stephanie.

"So what brings you here?" soal Afif.

"What? Do I need to have some motive so that I can talk to you?" Stephanie menyelit rambutnya di telinganya.

"Not really but I just get the feeling that you have something to say since you are the one who approach me first."

"Well you are not 100 % wrong. But what's with that cold attitude. Ahh you have girlfriend? Looks like that article is true. Tell me, is your girlfriend the jealous type? Is that the reason why you are this cold to me?" Stephanie memandang Afif seperti menanti-nanti jawapan dari Afif.

"You sure have a lot to say Miss White." Kata Afif. Dia melihat Stephanie. Stephanie hanya senyum.

"Can I make a guess on what is the main motive you approach me?"

"Try it."

"Miss Stephanie White, the second daughter of Mr White from ONEus Corp. Also the team leader for this upcoming project with MONX Holdings. I bet you come here to make a good first impression before the official meeting next Thursday. But unfortunately it's not like what you expected as I'm not that easy. Just like the rumour. Am I right, Miss White?" Afif memandang Stephanie. Stephanie cuba mengawal air wajahnya. Dia memaksa dirinya senyum. Afif masih berlagak selamba.

"I guess we are done here. Don't worry. I will review the contract very carefully before we sign it later. Excuse me please." Afif kemudian bangun dari meja dan terus berjalan keluar menuju ke tandas.

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