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Hey guys, I am only giving the flashback in this chapter. I know reading it, u may hate the character of Om but please don't do so. He is in such a situation that he is unable to understand.  Once he learns the truth, he will regret a lot. 


Anika laid down on the bed but sleep was far away from her. She began reminiscing what happened:-(continued from the last update)-


Shivaay was entered Anika's ward and cried seeing Anika. Her bruised hands and bandaged headache. He sat down beside Anika and kissed her forehead. The doctor entered the ward.

Shivaay- Doctor, my wife, is she okay? and my baby??

Doctor- Don't worry Mr. Oberoi, she is fine and ur baby also. But a lot of smoke went inside her body and lungs. She might have breathing problems.

Shivaay- Will this effect in her pregnancy??

Doctor- May or may not be. For now, make her eat my prescribed medicines and keep her happy and stress free.

Shivaay- Okay!! Thank u.

The doctor leaves and Shivaay kisses Anika's hand.

Shivaay- Wake up wifey. Please, don't do this. I cannot live without u. I cannot see u like this. Please!!

Anika moves her hand as the tear drops of Shivaay falls on Anika's face. Anika opens her eyes.

Anika- Shiv, I.....Badima...

Shivaay- Are u fine!! Why did u go there?

Anika tells him everything. Shivaay gets shocked!! His eyes become bloodshot red.

Shivaay- What!! Badepapa, how can he, he can never change. I thought he loves us. I never thought he could kill someone. And Om was saying...

Anika- What was Om saying? Where is Badima?

Shivaay-  She was hit by a truck. She is admitted.

Anika- What!! Noooo....( she cries)

Shivaay- Don't cry, its not good for the baby. More over I cannot see u cry.

Anika- I want to meet Badima.

Shivaay- No, don't....sleep. U r not well.

Anika- No, I will meet her.

Anika goes to see Jhanvi. Anika sees everyone crying for Jhanvi.

Anika- Om, how is Badima?

Om- Why are u asking me, ask ur beloved husband?

Rudra- What are u saying O? Bhaiya...

Om- U will not believe me na. Let me say what happened.

Om tells everyone what happened with Jhanvi and what were her last words. Everyone get shocked.

Suddenly fake tej comes there and shouts Jhanvi.

Anika gets scared and stumbles while Shivaay holds her.

Om hugs Tej and cries( the bonding between Tej and Om had been well since a long time)

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