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Welcome to the Local Flavour Series!

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I joined Wattpad in 2017 with about a hundred pages of a story with no plot, plan or vision. All I knew was that I saw the two characters of my novel clearly in my mind; one was shattered and at the lowest point in her life, and one was sick of dead-end relationships and a crushing career of life on the road. Both were incredibly lonely, and without knowing it, searching for each other the whole time.

Wattpad gave me the encouragement and support to bring these characters to life in four novels since then: Local Flavour, Playing with Fire, Big Apple and Bitter Harvest. I'm thrilled that each of these novels were chosen to be in the Paid program, and now available on YONDER, your next generation reading app from the Wattpad family. 

Huge thanks to Wattpad and to dear readers who have supported me in my writer's  journey, and joined me on Lucy and Quinn's path to true love (it never does run smoothly, does it?)

Readers have given me invaluable insight, feedback and support over the years and that means the world to me. 

Follow the Local Flavour series and Quinn and Lucy on YONDER at your favourite app store. 


— Dawn

Local Flavour (Book 1, the Local Flavour Series)Where stories live. Discover now