16: Party/Mindy

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I was swaying my hips to the music when I saw a beautiful stranger on the other side of the room.

I was currently at a party at my friends house. He invited many people from our school but also some others he knew. That's why I only knew about half of the people.

But anyways back to the hot stranger. He had black curly hair stood messy from his head. He was wearing a light blue hoodie and some ripped black jeans. He looked so hot how is that even possible.

He saw me staring at him and smirked at me. I quickly looked away in an other direction. In the corner of my eye I saw him making his way towards me. That's when I panicked. What should I say? What would he say to me? Would he make sassy comments or would he be really nice? Breathe! Just be youself Andrew.

"Hey cutie. I saw you staring at me", I heard someone say. I turned around and it was him. The sexy stranger. "I'm Mikey", he introduced himself. "A-Andy", I stuttered.

"That's a cute name, for a cute boy", he told me and I could tell that I blushed. Why couldn't I be as confident as him.

Then he suddendly took me by my wrist and pulled me with him. "Wh-What are you doing?", I asked Mikey insecure. "Just going to a quieter place", he answered and I nodded. "To get to know you better", he added and winked. And again I could feel the heat on my face.

Mikey pulled me into an empty room and closed the door. He sat down on the sofa that stood in this room and I sat down next to him. "So Andy, tell me something about you. Do you have any siblings, pets? How old are you?", he asked me.

"I'm an only child and I don't have any pets. And I'm sixteen.", I told him, "you?" "I actually have a dog. And I'm seventeen. I saw you in school once. I think you're one class under me.", Mikey said.

We talked for a bit when suddendly Mikey came closer and closer to me. I didn't know what to do so I just stayed still. He cupped my cheek with one of his hand and leaned in. Then our lips touched softly. His lips were plump but smooth. The kiss was honestly amazing.

Then he pulled away. "Sorry", he whispered and blushed. "No it's okay", I whispered back and kissed him again.

Words: 426
I honestly didn't know how to end this. Also it's really bad, I'm sorry. Hope you like it anyway. 💖

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