Chapter I

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I sigh, it has been a while since i came home from a long time and take a break. Hi i am Aero, Aero Liam Demitri yes i am the son of the alpha of the Blood Moon Pack the biggest and the most powerful pack in the world and my father and i are the last of the race of lycans. Aside from that my father is the Alpha of all Alphas yes and i am the soon to be Alpha of all Alphas. If you ask where is my mother she died in a hunters attack 7 centuries ago.

"Aero where almost at the pack house so better wake up" Raven said. Raven is my best friend and soon to be beta of the Blood Moon Pack.

As i open my eyes i let out another sigh which made my best friend Raven to look at me through the rear mirror."What is the sigh about? Aren't you the one who is excited of comming home and take a break." Raven said with sarcasm. I was about to answer but instead just ignored him.

As i ignore Raven who is blabbering about that i am the one who is excited about going home and taking a break. I noticed something strange to the atmosphere of the packs land i feel like something isn't right."Raven would you please shut up for a moment" he immediately followed my order and he asks "What is something wrong?". I was about to answer that when Raven stiffened as we enter the gate to the pack's mansion."I smell blood" i said. I am worried because my noisy bestfriend just got quiet and he slowed the car."Look outside the window Aero" he said. I look through the window and saw warrior wolves laying on the ground lifeless."Who could have done this? Raven let's hurry to the pack house" he automatically followed and a few minutes later we are in the pack house.

As we enter the pack house it was trashed but Raven's mate Angela run to her mate with tears falling down Raven asked what happened. She whispered something to Raven."What is happening here?" i asked Angela."Aero i think you should go to the master ward and see for yourself" Angela said still crying in her mates arms. I nodded and envy them as i run to the masters wards and saw that my father in the bed with many medical apparatuses that are connected to him. The pack doctor walked towards me and said "He's been waiting for you" and he left me with my father laying down on the bed."Father what happened here while we are gone?" i asked him not knowing that there are tears that are falling from my eyes."Aero i have been waiting for you" as my father said those words my tears fell even more. Because i know as he was saying those words he is fighting very hard for his life."Aero will you stop crying" my father said, i tried to stop crying but it is hard because for the first time in a long time that i am came home i saw my father laying on a hospital bed fighting for his life.

"Aero i should have told you this before your mother isn't dead but this may sound unreal but your mother is the moon goddess and your mother is in another realm where she watch us all. She is also the one responsible of giving you seven breeds composed of not only lycan but vampire, angel, demon, siren, warlock, and god that makes you the most dangerous and most powerful hybrid there is."my father said."

"What? Father you must be hallucinating because mother died in a hunter's attack a long time ago and i am only a lycan and also mother."i said.

"No you must believe me *cough*cough*. My time is running out Aero promise me that you will protect the pack no matter what happens and live a happy life. I love you my son" as those words came out of his mouth and also his last breath.

Moments after that i discovered that i am a Hybrid and my father passing i bid him goodbye i cried.

After the sobbing of the pack we arranged a burial for the deceased pack members and alpha. Many of the pack members cried which include me this was hard for us because for the first time there was something or someone who had the courage to attack us. As time passed they get ready to the burning ceremony of the bodies.

"I love you father may you rest in piece and may you give us guidance as we walk the roads of the earth" while sobbing. As the rest of the pack members that are left bid their farewell to their loved ones and to my father it is time to burn the bodies of the dead.

"To all the pack members of the Blood Moon Pack i Aero Liam Demitri the new Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack assure you all along side with my new beta Raven Lucas Lewes we will make them regret the day that they made us their enemy!!!" everyone howled and cheered.

I will make you regret this day i will make sure of it whoever you are.


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