Chapter 14

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"Oi blondie! Hurry up! We're going to leave without you!" Sting shouted.

"Wait! Just give me a sec!" Lucy shouted from the bathroom.

Sting let out a sigh and leaned against a wall. Lucy came out about 30 seconds later. She was wearing a baggy white tank top tucked into pale pink shorts and hot pink flip flops.

"Sorry I took so long. Where's Rogue?" Lucy asked.

"He went ahead because you were taking too long." Sting replied. "Let's go."

Lucy followed Sting out of their room. She watched his every movement.

His back looks so muscular... Lucy thought. Wait... What did I say?! I almost sound like Juvia!

While Lucy was fighting with herself, Sting snuck glances at the blonde celestial mage. The outfit she wore looked really good on her.

She looks cute when she looks confused. Sting thought. Wait...WHAT?! I just called this loud annoying chick cute?!

Sting snapped out of his thoughts when he saw some guys whistling at Lucy. He felt something uncomfortable rise to his chest. Jealousy. Instinctively, he grabbed Lucy's hand.

"Come on. You're lagging behind." Sting said.

"Well don't walk so fast. My legs aren't as long as yours." Lucy pouted.

Shit. She looks cute when she's pouting. Sting thought.

The two blondes walked to the beach in silence. Lucy could feel the glares of the girls they passed. Feeling uncomfortable, she picked up her pace and followed closely behind Sting.

"Lucy!" Erza called out.

Happy was flying around Natsu who was holding a volleyball. Gray was, surprisingly, still wearinging his swim shorts.

"Hey guys!" Lucy said running ahead of Sting.

"We're going to play a 'friendly' game of volleyball against Sabertooth. After that, you can do whatever." Gray said.

" 'Friendly'? Are you sure it's going to be friendly?" Lucy gulped thinking about Minerva.

"Yeah. I hope." Gray said. "Come on."

Everyone got into position. Erza served first. Rufus hit it back. Gray bumped the ball up.

"I got it!" Sting said spiking it to Lucy.

Lucy let out a small scream when she dodged the fast moving ball. It made a small crater where she was standing just a couple seconds ago. She glared at Sting who was whistling innocently.

"You did that on purpose!" Lucy said.

"Did what on purpose?" Sting asked innocently.

Lucy narrowed her eyes.

Two can play at that game. Lucy thought serving the ball.

15 minutes later, Lucy was taking on Sting and Minerva. Lucy had 'accidently' hit Minerva in the head while serving. Natsu, Gray, Erza, Happy, Wendy, Rufus, Lector, Orga and Frosch went off to the side not wanting to be killed and watched the three play volleyball.

"Lucy is scary." Happy said. "But really good at volleyball."

"She's almost as scary as Erza." Gray said.

"What was that?" Erza asked glaring at Gray.

"N-n-nothing Ma-ma'am!" Gray squeaked.

Another 15 minutes later, Lucy collapsed from exhaustion.

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