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I wake up to find that Mia isn't beside me. I lift my head and see her and Kim whispering again. What are they talking about?? I barely hear bits and pieces of their conversation. "You have to tell him Mia!" Says Kim in a hushed tone. "I can't! I'm too scared!" Replies Mia. "He has a right to know! If you don't tell him soon, I will." Says Kim again. Tell who? I ask myself. "I don't know if Adam can handle it, Kim!" Mia says. Well, I guess that clears that up...

What is she not telling me??

"And besides, I'm not even a hundred percent sure yet.... No use in making him freak out if it might not be true.." Mia adds. Kim responds but in a quieter tone so I don't hear.

I yawn loudly to make my presence known. Mia jumps "hey baby...." Mia smiles and comes over to me. I decide against prying... If she wants to tell me whatever it is, she can. "Hey beautiful...." I smile and pull her into my lap. She smiles and blushes.

"You two are cute... It's gross..." Kim says as she throws popcorn at us. Mia rolls her eyes and laughs.

"Gross is good..." I say with a smile up at Mia. "And things are about to get REAL great.... Avert your eyes, children." I slowly lay Mia back and kiss her, making it passionate. Kim groans loudly and pretends to gag.
Mia blushes but then pulls away. "I..." She starts, but then her eyes go wide and she jumps up and runs inside the van and locks us all out.  I begin to panic.  What is up with her??
I beat on the door until, after a solid five minutes, she comes back out looking pale and sick.
"Baby, you don't look so good.... Cmere..." I pull her into my arms and feel her head. "No fever.  That doesn't mean you aren't sick though... Maybe you and I should take the train home..."

"No... No.... I'm okay... Really..." She says feebly.

"That's a lie...." I sigh and hold her close.  "Come lay down with me inside...

She nods slightly and I carry her in.
I just hold her protectively on the bed in silence.
I hum her the same piece I played for her in the hospital, subconsciously.
She fiddles with the ring on her finger.

Eventually she speaks up.  "Adam... I'm afraid I've ruined your life.... Our life together... I've ruined it all..." She says softly.

I look at her in alarm.  "What? Jesus Christ Mia, you didn't ruin anything! What... What do you think ruined me? Us? Sweetheart you're not making sense." I feel her head once again, getting worried.

"I'm making perfect sense," she says while pushing my hand away gently.  "You just don't know that yet because I'm a chicken...."

I let out a shaky breath then whisper, "Tell me... You can tell me anything... Please...."

"Adam..." Her voice cracks.  "I'm pregnant."

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