The Doctors (Part One)

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I wake up peacefully to the morning sun filling my room. For the first time in a while I woke up at a normal time and not having the feeling of guilt hanging over my head. I have to say, it feels nice.

I get up and walk downstairs, still in my pajamas from last night. Harry was sitting at the table with his laptop when I walk in. "Good morning, love. How'd you sleep?" He asks, looking up at me with his green eyes.

"Good," I say happily and sit down next to him. "What's that?" I ask, looking at his laptop which is opened to a website.

"I scheduled a doctors appointment for you. I just want to make sure everything is okay, sound good?" He says. He doesn't tell me that he is worried, but I can tell he is. I was a little worried too. I don't want to be a teen mom, but I also don't want to go through the emotional pain of having an abortion. Hopefully I'm not pregnant.

I nod my head. "Okay," I say quietly.

Harry pats my back to comfort me. "Everything will be okay, I promise," he tells me sincerely. I nod my head in response. "What can I get you for breakfast. You must be starving. We didn't really eat last night," Harry says with a small smile.

"Oh. I'm fine. You don't have to make me anything," I say, hoping he doesn't insist on getting me something.

"No, it's fine. I have to get something for myself, so I might as well get you something," he says and stands up walking to the kitchen with his empty coffee cup in his hands. "I'll make some pancakes."

"Oh, okay," I say softly. I watch as he gets out the pancake mix and milk.

"Do you like pancakes, love?" He asks.

"Yeah, of course. Sorry, I'm just still a little tired," I lie.

"Aw, well your doctors appointment is at 11:00, but you should be able to take a nap after that," Harry says as he begins to make the pancakes. I look over at the clock and see that it's already 10:00. We had to leave soon probably.

"Okay. That sounds good. I'm going to go get changed," I say. Harry nods his head and I walk up to my room. I change into jeans, a grey tank top, and a black and white Nike windbreaker.

Before I go back downstairs I turn sideways in the mirror and look at how fat my stomach is

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Before I go back downstairs I turn sideways in the mirror and look at how fat my stomach is. I suck in to make myself look thin and then relax. I sigh and slip on my black slip on converse.

When I get downstairs Harry is still making the pancakes. "I'm back," I say, so he knows I'm here, and sit down at my seat.

"Good. Because the pancakes are almost ready," he says flipping a pancake. "Can you get yourself a drink? If you want one," Harry asks me.

"Yeah," I respond and go over to get a glass of water. "Do you want anything?" I ask.

"I'm okay, actually. I just had coffee," he says and carries the plate of pancakes over to the table. I nod and sit back down with my water.

I grab the smallest pancake I could see and put it on my plate. "What time are we leaving?" I ask starting a conversation so Harry wouldn't notice me shoving parts of the pancake into my napkin.

"Probably in like 10 minutes. I want to get there kinda early so we have time to sign in," he says before biting into his pancake. I wish I could eat like Harry and still be in shape. Whatever I do, I never lose weight.

"Okay," I say putting a small piece of pancake into my mouth.

"How is school going?" Harry asks with his mouth full.

I giggle at his immaturity. "It's good. I have auditions for the play on Wednesday," I say excitedly.

"Oh, yeah! Well with a voice like yours, I know you'll make it," Harry says. He sounds more excited than me.

"Thanks, Dad," I say with a smile.

Harry and I continue our conversation until it's time to go. "I'll meet you outside, love. I just gotta grab the keys," he says.

"Okay," I say and walk outside. I'm hoping Harry will give me my phone back soon. I don't know if he just purposely isn't giving it to me, or if he actually forgot he still has it. I'd ask, but I don't want to make him mad. I am having a nice day and I don't want to ruin it.

Harry comes out a few seconds later and unlocks the car. We both get in and put on our seatbelt. Harry turns the radio on to a low volume and begins to drive. "You can change the station to something good," he says to me, keeping his eyes on the road. I switch the channel to a station playing Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls.

"Good choice," Harry says with a smile. For the rest of the thirty minute car ride we talk about random things to pass the time and we eventually arrive at the doctors.

I get out of the car and walk over to Harry. He puts his arm around me, noticing that I felt a little nervous to be here. "It's okay, El. I'm with you. I'll always be with you," he says and kisses the top of my head. I nod, not wanting to talk, and we continue walking into the building.

Harry and I walk up to the sign in desk and Harry pays the lady as well as signs me in. We sit down on the plastic chairs located on one side of the room. They weren't very comfortable, but they'll work.

"Elizabeth Styles?" A lady with brown hair who looked to be about thirty years old asks after a few minutes of sitting in the uncomfortable chairs. We both stand up and the lady smiles. "Follow me right this way," she says.

Harry and I walk behind her into a room that was painted white. "You can sit right there, Elizabeth. And, Dad, you can sit right there," she says pointing to a table for me and a chair for Harry. I always found it weird that doctors called parents 'Mom' and 'Dad' when they weren't actually their parents, but whatever.

"So, were going to start off by just getting the basics like your blood pressure, height, and weight because it's your first time here, and then we'll get to whatever else you guys want to talk to me about. Oh! And my name is Dr. Jones, by the way," Dr. Jones says politely.

Harry and I both agree. They were probably going to tell Harry that I was obese and then he'd want to get rid of me, so I was sort of panicking in my head. The doctor comes over with a few tools and checks my ears, finds my blood pressure, and checks my ears.

"Okay, Miss Elizabeth, I'm going to ask you to come stand under this so I can see how tall you are," Dr. Jones says. I nod and stand where I'm supposed to. "Great, thank you. You're 5 foot 4," She informs as she scribbles in her notebook.

"And the final thing is your weight. If you could just stand on this scale," she asks. I nod my head slowly and make my way over to the scale. This was it. This was the moment when Harry finds out I'm obese and gets rid of me.

I stand there for a few seconds before she starts scribbling again on her papers. "Ok, great," she says, not telling me and Harry my weight thankfully. Her voice seems to change tones. She probably just doesn't like working with fat people.

"So what did you guys want to talk to me about?" She asks.

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