{ Forty Six }

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^Jungkook's POV^

I heard Hazel yell come in, so I opened the door and went to go find her, wondering why she couldn't open the door herself.

My question was soon answered when I found her sitting in the bathtub, with soap covering her arms and feet.

I held back a laugh. "Hazel, what are you doing?"

She turned to me with a grin. "I'm cleaning myself." She said simply.

I let the laugh out, smiling. "But, why?"

She held up a finger to say, hold on, then she proceeded to turn on the tubs faucet and scrub the soap off of her body.

She washed herself with focus, and I was getting tired of standing, so I sat on the toilet seat and watched her.

After about a good six minutes she flicked some water at me and grabbed a towel to dry herself off.

Surprisingly she barely got her clothes wet.

When she was finally done with her process, I yet again asked her why.

"Now are you going to tell me?"

She thrust her arms and foot into my face to show faint doodles still on them.

I looked up at her with a grin. "An artist I see."

She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room, soon throwing her backpack at my face.

I swiftly caught it, but with confusion.

I looked at her and she pointed again at the old purple backpack.

I looked down to see what she was making me look at.

And when I looked, I knew.

The fabric was rough against my skin and it was hard, but the designs and doodles that lay on its beat up surface were sentimental and new.

I hadn't even had a good look at the first drawing, before Hazel yanked on the backpack, forcing me to sit down.

She grabbed the backpack from me and placed it in between us.

She then pointed to a number on the purple fabric that looked like a birth date.

"Twelve, sixteen, ninety six?" I questioned.

She looked down at the numbers.

"December sixteenth, nineteen ninety six. Skylar's birthday."

She looked up at me with a smile.

I looked down back a the bag and saw another set of numbers close to the one she was pointing at.

I then pointed to it and asked her what it was. "Ten, twenty five, ninety six?"

She smiled and followed my gaze. "My birthday. October twenty fifth, nineteen ninety six."

I snuck a small kiss on her cheek, which caught her by surprise. "I'm still older than you." I grinned.

She crossed her arms. "Oh yeah? When's your birthday?"

I put a hand on my chest and gasped, being dramatic. "You don't know, when the great Jungkook's birthday is?"

She gave me a haha so funny look, which made me tell her.

"September first, nineteen ninety six."

"You're not that much older."

I grinned smugly. "But I'm still older."

She rolled her eyes and I looked back down at the backpack, taking my time studying each of the drawings.

I spotted a slice of pizza that was faded, then I saw an alien that was also faded. A flower looked semi new, along with some hearts. There were some others, but then I saw two drawings that looked really new.

I pointed to the sun and what looked to be a jar of jam.

She nodded. "Those are new." She then pointed to the sun. "My mom. A sun because my dad always called her Sunshine and a c because her name is Cynthia." She then pointed to the jar, a smile coming onto her face. "Jimin."

She didn't need to explain that one. I knew exactly why she drew what she did.

She then leaned back on her arms and turned her attention to me.

"So why are you here out of the blue?"

I looked up at her, picking the backpack up and setting it aside so that I wouldn't get distracted.

I smiled at her. "You really want to know?"

She gave me another look.

She sure does have a lot of those.

I scoot back to lean against the wall, crossing my arms and my ankles.

"We all missed you at school today." I began.

Her face showed that she didn't believe that that was the reason why I was here.

I looked down at my nails. "I heard that Taehyung found you."

She waited and I sighed.

"He said that you guys are good now."

She continued to wait.

I didn't say anything.


"Okay, fine! I sent him to find you!"


"Because you needed to be on good terms with each other."

She just looked at me.

"And because he needed to apologize and actually be sincere for once."

"Which he was."


"Because I needed to apologize and be sincere too."

I smiled. "Exactly."

She crossed her arms and smirked. "Just next time, let him think on his own and not have someone else tell him what to do."

"He said his own words."

"I know, just don't tell him to do anything."

I nodded. "Fine, but only for you."

She smiled. "Thank you."


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So I almost forgot to update today


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