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{Haruhi P.O.V}

I arrive home after a long day and stressful day at the host club. I sometimes wonder to myself why I am still in the club but then I remember my debt. I honestly hate how clumsy I was in the past.

I see that my dad is home earlier then usual, "Welcome home, my dear Haruhi~" he rushes to the door and greets me, "I have some exciting news! Your cousin is going to come and stay with us! Isn't that great?"

"How come I've never heard about this cousin of mine?" I ask him as I take my shoes off.

"It just never came up." My dad replies, "I'm sure you'll love her! The last time I saw her was five years ago and lemme tell you she was a sweet lil' girl~"

Five years is a long time. I wonder if she's changed. Not many people tend to stay the same, "When is she arriving?"


"Tomorrow?! That soon? We're not even prepared!" I exclaim, "We need to make room so she has a place to sleep not to mention that we also need more bowls, cups, and chopsticks!"

"Don't worry Haruhi, you're amazing father has taken care of that already~" I sigh in relief, I guess this isn't as unplanned then I thought.

"Moving on, is she gonna attend my school? I mean I only got in on a scholarship."

"Her while school expenses have been funded. Not by me though. I'm actually not sure who."

"Well I guess everything is taken care of. I'm heading to bed, I'm to tired for dinner." I say as I head into my room. I get ready for bed and swift off into a slumber.


| Host Club |

"My dear Haruhi!" Tamaki comes running for a hug, I shove him away causing him to go to the corner and and sit while clearly depressed by my rejection. He never learns, does he?

"Haru-chan, is there something on your mind? You seem out of it today." Honey asks me curiously with a hint of worry.

"Just some family things happen and apparently I have a cousin coming to visit today." I tell him dismissing his worries, "Nothing to that big to cause worry about, I'm just wondering what type of person she is and if we'll get along. I mean, I've never heard of her until now."

"Ooo! Haruhi's cousin!" Hikaru comments. I bet the twins were ease-dropping in this convo. Though it's kind of hard to keep secrets in this club. 

"I can't wait to meet her!" Kaoru adds, I'm actually starting to worry now. Judging by how they were the last time they visited my house and met my father, I'm honestly scared about how they'll treat her.

{Yu's P.O.V}

This seems like the right place. It sincerely sucks that this campus is so big. I begin my journey to the main office with my suitcase rolling beside me. Uncle forgot to give me the house address and I don't have his phone number I decided to go to the school and ask my cousin about it.

I didn't want to be here. Overall I don't even want to be on this planet but I guess it has to be like that sometimes.

I take open my phone and begin typing in a voice generated app as I walk towards the main office's desk, 'Do you know where I can find Haruhi?'

The lady behind the desk looks at me strangely, "I'm sorry dear, giving out student's information and whereabouts to someone who doesn't even attend the school is illegal." she says while still looking at me with a judging look. It may be because of my mask, I'm not very fond of showing my face due to trauma.

'I've think there was misunderstanding. I'm Haruhi's cousin and I'll be attending this school soon enough.' I type quickly and look back up at her making eye contact.

"And I'm a world famous billionaire. Without the correct paperwork of proof of your identity, I can't let you in. Not to mention you're suspicious appearance." She stops talking to me and goes back to typing on her computer. First day in this town and it's already going downhill. I'm so lucky aren't I.

The lady is clearly way to distracted and trying to ignore my existence so I quickly sneak pass her and make my way into the school hallway. It's basically empty except for two students wandering the halls. I take note at how ugly the uniforms are. I'm really gonna hate wearing that.

I look around and approach a student who doesn't seem to be busy 'Excuse me, do you know where I can find Haruhi?'.

"You must be new here—" she suddenly stops as she turns around and gets a look at my face, "ah, um, well he's in the host club in music room 3."

She's clearly uncomfortable but why is she referring to Haruhi as a boy? I've pretty sure she isn't unless she recently came out as transgender which I sincerely doubt. As I'm about to ask the girl about why she referred to him as a boy she makes up and excuse and scurries away from me. I sigh loudly, people here suck.

It takes me about 10 minutes until I'm able to find music room 3, I open the door, here goes nothing. Suddenly flower petals are thrown at me, "Welcome to the host club!"

I stand there dumbfounded, what kind of cheesy scenario is this? As the host club gets a better look I me some of their eyes are lined with judgement. I better get this over with, I really don't want to be here longer then I have to, 'I'm looking for Haruhi.' I type quickly, the judgement doesn't leave my eyes but a man with glasses approaches me and leads me to a table where Haruhi is sitting.

"How may I serve you today?" She smiles, why is she wearing the men's uniform? Is it optional because if it is then I would gladly take it over the women's.

'Give me your address.' I command, Haruhi is there surprised, It seems like the members overheard and they begin to move closer to the table with concern written on their face, 'I guess I shouldn't have said it like that. What I mean is, uncle didn't give me your guys address and I had no idea where to go. I came earlier then expected so he couldn't pick me up even if he wanted to and I don't have his number so this visit so far has been troubling.'

"You're my cousin?" Haruhi questions me, I nod, "It's great to finally meet you! Here lemme ask the club president if I can leave early for today to help you get settled in."

'You don't have to do that. I'll be fine on my own. So just give me the address.' I express my feelings of wanting to leave this place clearly. Haruhi seems to take the hint and we exchange numbers so she can text me her address, 'Ok, bye.'

I finally leave the club and the school. I never thought I'd get to leave so soon. This new life is gonna be really touch not to mention frustrating. Alright, it's time to go to my new home.

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