chapter 3: reunión between brothers

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A/n: for those who vote the harem add, your request as answer and for those who still have request there's still available slots, now then Lets dive in

Y/n's pov:

I was taking a nice walk alone, the blue sky looks great, the grass soft, a Neko Is walking next to me ....wait a Neko?

Y/n: Atalanta why are you following me? Didn't i say to stay with the rest? - i look at her with a bit of like someone Is in my privat space-

Atalanta Alter: what if someone Ambush you? That's enough reason to follow you

This Is Atalanta, Aeon told me that she was original an Archer class, however while on battle agains Jeanne d'arc the good versión, she use a somekinda equipment, she turn into berserker but also an Alter and for somereason she likes uhm...idk if this wierd or not but...she likes kids? And she looks at me as one

Y/n: okay? But still i can take care myself - while i walk she grab my arm like a couple would do-

Atalanta Alter: - purrs rubbing her cheek with his-  i swear i won't nothing bad Will happen to you~

Y/n: - sigh-  creepy - whispers to myself-

I hear explosions from the distance, i decide to check on it and saw Issei and koneko fighting agains monsters

I hear explosions from the distance, i decide to check on it and saw Issei and koneko fighting agains monsters

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Issei's pov:

Those enemies kept appearing by a summoner none stop, akeno and Kiba are fighting on one side while xenovia and Irina are facing the otherside

Issei: damn it! They just keep spawning!

Draig: as long that summoner keeps doing it, we won't last much longer

Koneko: - keeps punching few foes- 

Y/n's pov:

I walk away from them, those traitors, they deserve to die but...damn it! My innocent side wants to assist them, i grip my fist and turn around

Y/n: Atalanta, were going to assist them, but in distance, if there's a way to-

Atalanta Alter: i got this, but after this, you know what i mean for later ~

Y/n: oh god 😐 not a rape part

Atalanta Alter: what no

Y/n: whew

Atalanta Alter: a date

Ragnarok: welp

Atalanta Alter: - prepares to use her old np-

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