thank you

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I don't know how to put into words how I feel right now.

This has taken three long years to get here. 

168 chapters.

4 trailers.

I'd estimate, at around 1000 words a chapter, that means I wrote
168,000  words

and here we are.

If you've been here from the start, I love you and thank you.

If you're new, thanks for even giving my shitty writing a chance

This silly harry potter fanfiction is the first piece of fiction I've ever finished in its entirety. 

At this point, I doubt you'll get any more writing from me. Maybe if I'm bored I'll write a one shot and put it at the end of this book, but for now I'm about to start my final year of high school and actually need to focus. 


thank youuuuuu

I'm gonna miss you all a lot

so for the very last time,

I value each and every one of you,

Lots of love,

Taylor xxxx

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