I like all the others open the file that I had been given. I start to read my partners file

Name: Lula Ocean

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Description: Never backs down, has no weakness, childish, stubborn.

Special Skill: Samurai sword, balance, memory, knifes

I then look at the top to see the image except there wasn't one. Great! How am I supposed to know who this girl is?

The room the gets louder with mumouring I close the file and see what has got everyone's attention. The large double doors open, immediately girls in skin tight black t-shirts, dark purple high shorts, fingerless white gloves with pockets on the back and knee high black boots with silver chains around them. All of them had perfect figures and all held intrigued expressions. It was a mixture of hair colour, ear piercings, height, and skin tones.

We all stare at each over for a few seconds I then step forward as I doubt no one else will.

"Welcome to 'Demon Cards' I can tell that just like us some will not be willing to get along. We have to put that shit behind us, we all know that this is a force we can not defeat on our own. I suggest we find our partnered and get started" I say with a sigh.

I see no one complain, both sides start to move towards each other. As others find there partners I lean against the walk, I have no idea who my partner is. So I can't really do anything, I was about to go over to practice my archery when...

"Looks like the loin cub grew up..." A unforgettable childish voice says in smugness

I turn around as fast as I can. For the first time in 5 years I can see clearly the girl that had saved me and changed my life for the ultimate better.

She had straight pale blue hair that was almost white that went down to her waist it was falling over her face messily. She had blazing red eyes and chalk white skin, her constant grin made her look like a child.

I then noticed that she was wearing a different outfit to everyone else. It was a black dress patterned with white roses that showed her back and had a very high skirt. I stare at her in amazement.

"Yes the loin cub has most defiantly learnt" I answer cockily

"Ooohhhh...! My cute loin cub is gone!" she complains like a kid

I then get serious

"Despite our past we will be working together" I say in a formal manner

I still can't believe I have been paired up with this girl and I finally know her name Lula. I would love to have a general chit chat but that's not what were here for.

"They'll be time for catch ups later, right now we have to train" I instruct

She gives me a nod still holding that childish grin making me think that she's not being that serious.

I go over to the area where all the swords are kept I throw her a traditional samurai. She doesn't even look my way and catches it perfectly.

Suddenly I feel something wet on my finger, I look at it and it had been cut such as a paper cut I look in front of me and see Lula holding the unsheathed sword. She was holding it to her face leaning on it as if it were a form of staff or something grinning with childless. But her eyes showed a lust for violence.

I glare at her, I was not amused. I too was holding a sword a lunge at her and go for her throat in rage as I expected she easily blocked it with no effort wasted.

My anger grows at how she's not giving me a challenge. I pull back and try to stab her in the arm again she easily blocks me, except she cuts me in the arm the exact one that was stabbed that night.

It was a slightly deep cut and the blood flooded out. But I ignore it plus the fact that my nerves in my left arm were pretty much fucked up helped as well.

We fight for I think 2 hours straight until we literally have to be pulled away from each over. One of the Demon cards lads grabs Lula

"Ok break it up, your not meant to be killing each over!!"

She bite his fingers and slashes his face with her sword she stands the battle stance. Rather than a childish grin it was now a glare of hatred and her eyes had turned black.

Before she can notice a hit her blade hard making her lose grip. She glares at me, but seems shocked at what she had done.

She turns so her back faces me, I then see a pair of folded white wings. She spreads then out and there pretty big, I then realise that they were actually wings of a swan.

I watch in shock as she springs into the air at fast speed. The training room had a very high roof, there were metal rods running across the top holding the lights in place. Lula goes right up to the top and rests on one dead in the centre of the room.

The facts all seem to add up now


Hope you like the chapter!!

What do you think of Lula's wings?

Until next chapter...


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